Courtesy : G.Balasubramaniam & Raj Pundit
So far as our knowledge and belief goes, onions are forbidden not only for those seeking "self-realization" but also for consumption as such by all Hindus, especially the Dvijas.
lashunaM gRnjanam chaiva palANDu kavakAni cha
abhyakshAni dvijAtinAma medhya prabhavAni cha |MS V.5
One would have thought that it was obvious that onions and garlic affect the body as the former causes a defensive reaction by making the eyes water as propanethial- S-oxide is a gas that's released when the cell wall of an onion is broken. This gas reacts with the water in the eyes and produces sulphuric acid. Though users of garlic often extol its virtues they fail to mention its adverse effects including halitosis (nonbacterial bad breath), indigestion, nausea, emesis, and diarrhoea. Garlic can interact with warfarin (used by many patients with heart/blood pressure issues) antiplatelets, saquinavir, antihypertensives, calcium channel blockers and hypoglycaemic medicines (used by diabetics).
Not only that, even garlic, turnips, mushrooms, white brinjal (baingan) and red radish have been forbidden. And these names appear along with pork and chicken! (Yet some brothers think they can be consumed!) Here is the evidence in substantiation:
Chhatra-aakam vid-vaaraaham ch lashunam graam-kukkutam/
Palaandum grinjanam chaiva matyaa jagdhvaa patet dvijah// Manu 5:19
Vyas Smriti adds white brinjal and red radish also to the above when it says: palaandum shveta-vrintaakam rakta-moolakam-eva ch // (3:60).
We may point out here that onions if eaten knowingly cause a Dvija to fall from his jAti (matyaa jagdhvaa patet dvijah), to regain which he has to undergo a repentance by way of performance of Chaandraayan Vrata for one month. How can it, therefore, be a permitted food item food then? If some modernised Hindus have started consuming it these days to impart a mlechha taste and flavour to their dishes that would not make it a Hindu food item.
The fact remains that the kind of food one eats has impact on his or her purity of thoughts and concentration. They do not become a popular Hindu food simply because some nominal Hindus in the North have started using it as a result of Mlechh Sansarg (company of Muslims and Firangis) and un-Aryan influence on them of their Aachaar, Vichaar, Vihaar and Aahaar in the course of last few centuries.
They have always been a forbidden item. Even there is a Hukam Naamaa in the name of the Ninth Guru, Hind kee chaadar Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Singh ji, in which he has ordered his disciples, the Sikhs, not to go even near onion and garlic! The words therein are: "gaNDA lassan de nerhe naheen jAnA." All religiously inclined people, even in the North (including Kashmiri Pandits), abhor its use to this day, especially the Vaishnava.
Raj Pandit
> >
>Dear all,
>In the context of the learned discussions on Cleanliness of food etc. I wish to share some news item with you. I have come across the
>following news Item in Hindustan Times Newspaper sometime back and I I want to share this with you all.
>Consuming flavanoid-rich foods like apples and onions reduce risk of
>pancreatic cancer, a new study conducted by a group of international
>researchers have revealed. While found in many plants, flavanoids are
>found in high concentration in apples, onions, tea,berries,kale and
>broccoli. Querecitin is most plentiful in apples and onions.
>It is a well-known fact that the food we are eating including milk
>etc. are all adulterated,polluted and are not free from cancer-producing
> insecticides, harmones etc. etc. This being the
>case it needs to be deliberated as to what is wrong in eating
>onions, garlic and other aromatic agricultural products which though result
>in emitting malodorous breath but are beneficial from the point of
>view of health. All those few who are aiming at Self-realization have
>necessarily to sacrifice not only onion and garlic but all types of
>Rajasic and Tamsic foods. For the majority of us for whom
>Self-realization is a far cry there is apparently no ban on items which
>are beneficial to our health.
>Incidentally, I have come across another NEWS ITEM in the same
>edition of Hindustan Times about Red Hot chillies.
>The Compound that gives red,hot chillies their zing has been used to
>develop an anaesthetic that wipes out pain without numbness
> or
>paralysis. Researchers report in 'Nature' that a combination of
>capsaicin and an anaesthetic called QX-314 may help reduce trauma of
>labour pains, surgery and root canal. It could also treat chronich
>itching.......... This is not the first time that capsaicin,which is
>also found in pepperhas been shown to make cancer cells self-destruct.
>It also prevents and heals stomach ulcers and has anti-inflammatory
>properties. Chilli also speeds up metabolism,aiding weight loss.
>From what has been stated above it will be clear that mother earth
>has been very kind to man and has given several natural remedies
>and medicines through food items. Chillies are, no doubt, capable of conferring Rajasic tendencies.
lashunaM gRnjanam chaiva palANDu kavakAni cha
abhyakshAni dvijAtinAma medhya prabhavAni cha |MS V.5
One would have thought that it was obvious that onions and garlic affect the body as the former causes a defensive reaction by making the eyes water as propanethial- S-oxide is a gas that's released when the cell wall of an onion is broken. This gas reacts with the water in the eyes and produces sulphuric acid. Though users of garlic often extol its virtues they fail to mention its adverse effects including halitosis (nonbacterial bad breath), indigestion, nausea, emesis, and diarrhoea. Garlic can interact with warfarin (used by many patients with heart/blood pressure issues) antiplatelets, saquinavir, antihypertensives, calcium channel blockers and hypoglycaemic medicines (used by diabetics).
Not only that, even garlic, turnips, mushrooms, white brinjal (baingan) and red radish have been forbidden. And these names appear along with pork and chicken! (Yet some brothers think they can be consumed!) Here is the evidence in substantiation:
Chhatra-aakam vid-vaaraaham ch lashunam graam-kukkutam/
Palaandum grinjanam chaiva matyaa jagdhvaa patet dvijah// Manu 5:19
Vyas Smriti adds white brinjal and red radish also to the above when it says: palaandum shveta-vrintaakam rakta-moolakam-eva ch // (3:60).
We may point out here that onions if eaten knowingly cause a Dvija to fall from his jAti (matyaa jagdhvaa patet dvijah), to regain which he has to undergo a repentance by way of performance of Chaandraayan Vrata for one month. How can it, therefore, be a permitted food item food then? If some modernised Hindus have started consuming it these days to impart a mlechha taste and flavour to their dishes that would not make it a Hindu food item.
The fact remains that the kind of food one eats has impact on his or her purity of thoughts and concentration. They do not become a popular Hindu food simply because some nominal Hindus in the North have started using it as a result of Mlechh Sansarg (company of Muslims and Firangis) and un-Aryan influence on them of their Aachaar, Vichaar, Vihaar and Aahaar in the course of last few centuries.
They have always been a forbidden item. Even there is a Hukam Naamaa in the name of the Ninth Guru, Hind kee chaadar Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Singh ji, in which he has ordered his disciples, the Sikhs, not to go even near onion and garlic! The words therein are: "gaNDA lassan de nerhe naheen jAnA." All religiously inclined people, even in the North (including Kashmiri Pandits), abhor its use to this day, especially the Vaishnava.
Raj Pandit
> >
>Dear all,
>In the context of the learned discussions on Cleanliness of food etc. I wish to share some news item with you. I have come across the
>following news Item in Hindustan Times Newspaper sometime back and I I want to share this with you all.
>Consuming flavanoid-rich foods like apples and onions reduce risk of
>pancreatic cancer, a new study conducted by a group of international
>researchers have revealed. While found in many plants, flavanoids are
>found in high concentration in apples, onions, tea,berries,kale and
>broccoli. Querecitin is most plentiful in apples and onions.
>It is a well-known fact that the food we are eating including milk
>etc. are all adulterated,polluted and are not free from cancer-producing
> insecticides, harmones etc. etc. This being the
>case it needs to be deliberated as to what is wrong in eating
>onions, garlic and other aromatic agricultural products which though result
>in emitting malodorous breath but are beneficial from the point of
>view of health. All those few who are aiming at Self-realization have
>necessarily to sacrifice not only onion and garlic but all types of
>Rajasic and Tamsic foods. For the majority of us for whom
>Self-realization is a far cry there is apparently no ban on items which
>are beneficial to our health.
>Incidentally, I have come across another NEWS ITEM in the same
>edition of Hindustan Times about Red Hot chillies.
>The Compound that gives red,hot chillies their zing has been used to
>develop an anaesthetic that wipes out pain without numbness
> or
>paralysis. Researchers report in 'Nature' that a combination of
>capsaicin and an anaesthetic called QX-314 may help reduce trauma of
>labour pains, surgery and root canal. It could also treat chronich
>itching.......... This is not the first time that capsaicin,which is
>also found in pepperhas been shown to make cancer cells self-destruct.
>It also prevents and heals stomach ulcers and has anti-inflammatory
>properties. Chilli also speeds up metabolism,aiding weight loss.
>From what has been stated above it will be clear that mother earth
>has been very kind to man and has given several natural remedies
>and medicines through food items. Chillies are, no doubt, capable of conferring Rajasic tendencies.
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
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