Courtesy ; Sri.A.V.pathi
Dear Respected Shri Subramaniamn,
The rule for Asthangam is "When a planet is in its depression point the period assigned to it is reduced by half; but when it occupies an intermediate position, the reduction is proportionate (Sl. 7 & in Adh. Five - Jathakaparijatha) ". The number of years given to Lagna correspond to the number of its Navamsas that have risen above the horizon. Some say that Lagnaush is as many years as there are rasis reconed from Mesha to Lagna. The Planets, except when their retrograde lose, a third of Ayurdhayas when in inimical houses. When they are eclipsed ( with another Planet in the same house) their Ayurdhaya is to be diminished by half. This last reduction does not apply to Venus and Saturn.
Saint Maniththa or men of his school did not find a new method for Rasi-ayush, while Lagana - ayush was in existance from the begining. Maniththa and his men followed the later calculations, while others preferred the former. Under these two methods, the past Navamsas and Rasis and their fractions represent the years, months, etc., and Bhattotpala supported this method. However, Saraavalli recomends that if the Lord of the rising Navamsa be strong to adopt the first method. This will enunsiate the term Asthangam. However it is explained in Sl. 22 in Chapter Five in "Sripatipaddhati" as 'A Planet is said to be eclipsed when he disappears within a perticular limit from the Sun, his light being then over powered by that of the Sun.
The limit of several Planets are listed below:
The Moon when within 12 º from the Sun
Mars when within 17º from the Sun
Mercury when within 14º from the Sun ~ but when retrograde 12º from the Sun
Jupiter when within 11º from the Sun
Venus when within 10º from the Sun ~ but when retrograde 8º from the Sun
Saturn when within 15 º from the Sun
All Planets except Mars when in inimical houses destroy a third of 'Ayurdayas'. When eclipsed by the Sun they lose half their 'Ayurdayas', the exceptions in their latter case being Venus & Saturn.
A Planet diminished by its exaltation, if less than six signs, is to be subtracted from 12 signs and the result reduced to minutes should be multiplied by its rays and divided by the minutescontained in 12 signs. The quotient in years, etc., thus found for the Sun and other Planets, represents, they say, the RASMIJA AYURDAYA' due to rays.
When the Planet is in its own Rasi, in its own exaltation, in the house of a very friendly Planet, or in its retrograde motion, it has its rays doubled for Ayurdaya purposes. When the retrograde comes to an end, the rays are deminished by an eighth portion. When the Planet is in the house of an enemy, the rays become reduced by a twelfth.
The Ayurdaya is to be halved in the case of all Astangata Planets except Venus and Saturn. (Ref Sloka 25, Adhyaya Five - Jathakaparijatha)
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
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Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
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