Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Guha gita 2.6 to 2. 22 in English


 *अथ द्वितीयोऽध्यायः* 
Chapter Two
 *सर्वत्र समभावना*  
Equanimity everywhere

शेषस्थिरसमाधानो येन त्यजसि तत्त्यज ।
चिन्मनः कलनाकारं प्रकाशतिमिरादिकम् ॥ २.६॥
Getting established firmly in the substratum of all, viz. Atman, abandon everything else. The mind, illumined by Atma, takes the form of objects seen in light, darkness etc. (2.6)

वासनां वासितारं च प्राणस्पन्दनपूर्वकम् ।
समूलमखिलं त्यक्त्वा व्योमसाम्यः प्रशान्तधीः ॥ २.७॥
Abandoning everything together with its roots, latent tendencies, cause of those tendencies, life-force and the throbbing, which happens from life-force etc., remain even-minded, sky-like and with the intellect quietened. (2.7)

दृष्टं द्रष्टव्यमखिलं भ्रान्तं भ्रान्त्या दिशो दश ।
युक्त्या वै चरतोऽज्ञस्य संसारो गोष्पदाकृतिः ॥ २.९॥
The ignorant one gets deluded by all seen and yet-to-be-seen objects while roaming about in all ten directions. For the Gnani, who moves about with reasoning (that all appearances are false), the Samsara of the ignorant is of the size of the space occupied by the foot of cow, i.e. very small. (2.9)

समस्तं खल्विदं ब्रह्म परमात्मेदमाततम् ।
अहमन्यत् इदं चान्यत् इति भ्रान्ति त्यजानघ ॥ २.१२॥
All this is Brahman only; this is pervaded by Paramatma. O sinless one, leave the delusion of 'I am different, this is different'. (2.12)

ततो ब्रह्मघने नित्ये सम्भवन्ति न कल्पिताः ।
न शोकोऽस्ति न मोहोऽस्ति न जराऽस्ति न जन्म च ॥ २.१३॥

Where the eternal Brahman is present solidly, imaginary occurrences do not exist. There is no grief, no delusion, no old age, and no birth. (2.13)

न वर्णाश्रमाचारधर्माः कुतस्ते
न पुण्यं न पापं न धर्मोऽप्यधर्मः ।
न पूज्योऽप्यपूज्यः सदाऽऽनन्दभावं
परं ब्रह्म साक्षात् त्वमेवासि तात ॥ २. ॥१५

From where do Varnas (four classes of society- brahmana, kshatriya, vaisya and sudra), Asramas (four stages of life – brahmacharya, garhastya, vanaprastha and sanyasa), the corresponding codes of conduct and duties arise; they do not exist. There is no merit, no sin, no dharma, no adharma. There is none worthy of worship, none to be condemned. My dear, you are indeed none other than Para Brahman, ever in the experience of bliss. (2.15)

 _This verse reflects the supreme state of Gnani, Jivanmukta, who has transcended all the barriers mentioned here._

वाचामगोचरं दिव्यं मनोऽतीतं महाद्युतिम् ।
तद्ब्रह्मानुभवं पूर्णानन्दं वक्तुं न शक्यते ॥ २.१८॥

The experience of Brahman is beyond the reach of words, divine, beyond the realm of mind, highly brilliant and complete bliss; it cannot be expressed. (2.18)

तूष्णीं स्थित्वा भिक्षुणा सम्बोधितोऽहं प्रणम्य तम् ।
यत्त्वयोक्तं वचस्तेन मोहोऽयं विगतो मम ॥ २.१९॥
Having thus been addressed by Bhikshu while I stood silent, I prostrated and stood before him and said, "By the words spoken by you, this delusion of mine has left me." (2.19)

तवैवानुग्रहेणाहं सच्चिदानन्दमात्रकः ।
किं वा वक्तुं न शक्नोमि भगवन् तव सन्निधौ ॥ २.२०॥

Bhagavan, by your blessing alone, I am now pure Sat-Chit-Ananda, Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. In your presence I am unable to say anything. (2.20)

स्थाने भिक्षो तवोक्त्याऽहं ध्यात्वा त्वामेव सन्ततम् ।
जीवन्मुक्तोऽस्मि तादात्म्यनिश्चयादेव षण्मुख ॥ २.२२॥

O Bhikshu, Shanmukha, by listening to your words and meditating on you always, I am Jivanmukta (liberated while in body), with conviction of identity (of my Self with Paramatma, i.e. yourself); this is but proper. (2.22)

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