Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Ramayana 108 Questions - With Answers

Ramayana 108 Questions - With Answers


 These are just some of the questions that are made for the basic knowledge of the well-intentioned reading of the Ramayana.


 1. Which sage has written  Sri Madramayana?

 = Valmiki.


 2. Which sage  taught the Ramayana Gita to Valmiki Maharishi?

 = Naradudu.


 3. After listening to the Ramakatha, to which river did Valmiki go to Maharishi and his noon bath?

 = The Tamasa River.


 4. How many verses are there in Srimadramayana?

 = 24,000.


 5. Who was the first to promote the Srimadramayana?

 = Kusalavulu.


 6. On the bank of which river is the city of Ayodhya?

 = River Saroo.


 7. Ayodhya is the capital of which country?

 = Kingdom of Kosala.


 8. Who was the interior minister of Maharaja Dasaratha?

 = Sumantrudu.


 9. What are the names of Dasharatha's wives?

 = Kausalya, Sumitra, Kaikei.


 10. What is the name of the yagam performed by the Dasharatha for the offspring?

 = Putrakamesthi.


 11. How did Dasharatha pass on to his wives the sacrifice given by the Divine Man from the Altar?

 50% for Kausalya, 25% for Sumitra, 12.5% for Koukai and the remaining 12.5% for Sumitra again.


 12. Who is not born of the greed of Lord Brahma?

 = Jambavantudu.


 13. Wally was born with whose subject?

 = Devendra.


 14. Who was born as a result of the wind god?

 = Hanuman.


 15. What is the name of Kaushalya's son?

 = Rama.


 16. What is the name of Bharatha's mother?

 = Kaikeyi.


 17. Ramalakshmana Bharata Enemies Who are the twins and what is the name of their mother?

 = Lakshmana, the enemy - Mother Sumitra.


 18. Who was the sage who gave the name of Ramalakshmana Bharata to the enemy?

 = Too is.


 19. Is Rama the age of Vishwamitra coming?

 = 12 years.


 20. Who are the demons that can break the Vishvamithra's machine?

 = Maricha, Subahulu.


 21. What is the mantra taught by Vishwamitra to help Ram to get tired and starving?

 = Right-atibala.


 22. Name of the ashram of Vishwamitra?

 = Siddhashrama.


 23. What is the name of the spouse?

 = Sundudu.


 24. Who was the sage who cursed the palm?

 = Agastya.


 25. Who made the penance to bring the Ganges to earth?

 = Bhagirathudu.


 26. Why did Ganga get the name Jahnavi?

 = Because Jahn was drunk by the Maharishi.


 27. Who is the Ahalya Husband?

 = Gautama Maharishi.


 28. Who was the son of King Janaka?

 = Satanandudu.


 29. To whom was Sita born?

 = The oldest man was found.


 30. To which Maharaja did Lord Shiva hold his Sagittarius?

 = Devaratudu.


 31. Who made Sivadhanasanaya?

 = Vishwakarma.


 32. Names of Bharatha Shatrughan Wives?

 = Mandavi, Smriti.


 33. Who was Urmila's father, the wife of Lakshmana?

 = Father.


 34. What is the name of Janaka's younger brother?

 = Kusadhvajudu.


 35. What is the name of the Sagittarius who gives Parasurama to Sriram?

 = Vaishnava Sagittarius.


 36. What is Bharathani's uncle's name?

 = Yadhajittu.


 37. Who prompted Kaika to ask for Dasaradhini?

 = Mandhara.


 38. When did Kaika ask Dasharatha for a blessing?

 = Girivrajapuram, Uncle.


 39. Which is the place where Lord Rama's ally Cave is located?

 = Srngiberapuram.


 40. Under which tree did the Sitaramulu sleep their first night?

 = Roxburghii.


 41. Who is the sage who suggested that the portrait of Sri Rama was appropriate?

 = Bharadwaja Muni.


 42. What is the name of the river near Parnasala?

 = Malyavati.


 43. Where is the corpse of Dasharat taken for seven days till the arrival of Bharat?

 = Tailadronamulo.


 44. Who made atheism with Sri Rama?

 = Jabali.


 45. Which of these cities is dedicated to Lord Rama?

 = Nandigramamu.


 46. Who is the wife of Attimahama?



 47. Who was the first demon to confront Ramalakshmana in Dandakaranya?

 = Viradhudu.


 48. Who advised Rama to reside in the Panchavati?

 = Agastya.


 49. On which river is the Panchavati situated?

 = Godavari.


 50. Whose ears were cut off by Lakshmana?

 = Surphanakha.


 51. Where did the fourteen thousand giants from the colony come from?

 = Janasthanamu.


 52. Whose help did Ravana seek to abduct Sita?

 = Maricudu.


 53. Which magical beast sought Sita Rama?

 = Bangaruledi.


 54. Which bird fought with Ravana who takes Sita?

 = Jatayuvu.


 55. To which direction did the wild beasts of the forest sign for Ramalakshmana, who was searching for Sita?

 = Southward.


 56. In which monster's hands were the Ramalakshmanas engaged in Sithana?

 = Kabandhuni.


 57. On which riverbank is the Sabari Ashram, which was reached by the Ramalakshmans, in which forest?

 = Religious Forest, Pampanadi.


 58. In which mountainous region did the Sugrians live?

 = Mountain of Wisdom.


 59. Know about Ramalakshmana Whom did Sugriva send to them to help?

 = Hanuman.


 60. Whose witness was Ramasugrila's ally?

 = As a witness to the fire.


 61. What did Rama tell Sugriva that his arrows were made of?

 = The golden stems of Kumaraswamy's origin.


 62. Name of Sugriva's wife?

 = Binary.


 63. Wally's Wife's Name?

 = Star.


 64. What is the kingdom of Wali Sugriva?

 = Shoebox.


 65. What is the name of the monster who escapes with a tail and hides in a bow?

 = Magic.


 66. Who is the monster who comes to war with the advice of the snowman?

 = Dundubhi.


 67. Whose ashram did Dundubi Kalebaram throw?

 = Matangamuni.


 68. What is the name of the son of Wali?

 = Consists of two parts.


 69. How many rituals did Rama break with one arrow?

 = Seven.


 70. Where did the Ramalakshmans reside after the coronation of Sugriva?

 = Prasavanagiri.


 71. Who was the chief of the Vanara Sena sent by Sugriva to the * East * for Sithana?

 = Vinatudu.


 72. Who was the chief of the Vanara Sena sent by Sugriva to the * South * for Sithana?

 = Consists of two parts.


 73. What is the kinship of the spirits sent to the West for the sake of Situation and Situation?

 = Father-in-law, Tara's father.


 74. Who was the chief of the Vanara Sena sent by Sugrivu * to the North * for Sithana?

 = Satabaludu.


 75. How much time did Sugrivu Vanaras spend for Sithana?

 = Month (one month).


 76. In which direction did Hanuman go to Vanarasena?

 = Southward.


 77. What did Lord Rama give Hanuman in exchange for Sita?

 = Ring carved by his (Rama) name.


 78. What is the name of the tapasi in the crater where Hanuman and others are trapped?

 = Svayamprabha.


 79. What is the name of the bird that told the Vanaras that they could see Ravana and Sita from the sea?

 = C.


 80. Anjana, the mother of Hanuman was the original name?

 = Punjikasthala.


 81. What is the name of the mountain where Lord Hanuman climbed the sea?

 = Mahendraparvatamu.


 82. Which mountain was hosted by Hanuman resting at sea?

 = Mainakudu.


 83. What is the name of the Nagamata that the gods employed at sea to test the power of Hanuman?

 = Surasa.


 84. What is the name of the sea creature that attracted the shadow of Hanuman and dragged him towards Hanuman?

 = Sphinx.


 85. How long is the sea that Hanuman lodged?

 = Hundred yojanas.


 86. What is the name of the mountain where Lord Hanuman landed in Lanka?

 = Vertical mountain.


 87. What was the name of the forest where Lord Hanuman discovered Sita?

 = The Ashoka Forest.


 88. How many months did Ravana spend for Sita?

 = Two.


 89. Who is a demon woman who dreams of victory for Rama and destruction for demons?

 = Trijata.


 90. Whose story is heard that Lord Hanuman hid in a tree and heard Sita?

 = The story of Rama.


 91. What is the name of Sita Hanuman's ornament given to Lord Rama?

 = Guide.


 92. How many Hanuman slain Ravana's kinkers in Lanka?

 = Eighty thousand.


 93. By whose arrow was Hanuman bound and sent to Ravana?

 = Brahmastra with the magic ring.


 94. Who taught Ravana that killing a messenger is not appropriate?

 = .Suppose.


 95. What is the name of the beautiful forest which was destroyed by the warriors with the return of Hanuman?

 = Madhuvanam.


 96. Which of the forest fire destroys the forests?

 Madhuwana is the savior and the father-in-law of Sugrivu.


 97. What is the gift of Lord Rama to Hanuman who came to know Sitajada?

 = Embracing goodwill.


 98. What is the name of the monkey built by Sethu and a hundred yojans to cross the sea?

 = Niludu.


 99. Lakshmana was slain when he was worshiped at which place?

 = Nikumbhila.


 100. Who is the sage who preached Aditya's heart hymn to Rama?

 = Agastya.


 101. Who sent a chariot to Rama to kill Ravana?

 = Indra.


 102. In the battle of Rama Ravana, who was the charioteer of Rama?

 = Matali.


 103. Where and for whom does the floral plane depart from Ayodhya with Sitarama Lakshmana Vanaras from Sri Lanka?

 = In Kishkinda, the wives of the Vanaras are also on board!


 104. Whom did Sri Rama send before the cave and Bharat to inform him?

 = Hanuman.


 105. What is the name of the elephant climbed during the Sitaramul procession in Ayodhya?

 = Satrunjayam.


 106. Whose building was the guest house of Lord Sugar in Ayodhya?

 = Himself gave his own building.


 107. At the time of his coronation, which of these was made of a crown ornament to Sriram?

 = Brahma.


 108. Sita Devi after the coronation of Srirama

 What is the gift of Hanuman?

 = The pearl in his neck.


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