Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Guru in great position - Periyavaa

*Experiences with Periva - The perfect Guru Sthaanam!*

_author:....... A shrImaTham (KAnchi hermitage) disciple_
_compiler:..... T.S. Kothandarama Sarma_
_source:....... Maha PeriyavaL - Darisana AnubhavangaL vol.3, pp.070-075_
_publisher:.... VAnathi Padhippaham (May 2005 Edition)_
_translator:.... Sri Saidevo_

"My daughter is getting older and older. There is no boy's horoscope that we missed as an alliance to her. I have tons of such boys' horoscopes!" A daughter's father expressed his predicament with humour.

"Not a single boy's horoscope did match my girl's. The moment I handover both the horoscopes to the astrologer he just pouts his lip and says, 'Boy's horoscope is A-class... But then no match for our KamalA's...'"

Since the gracious look of the navagrahas was absent, the parents came to KAnchipuram, to have guru-pArvai (tam)--guru's glance.

"Now, you have any horoscopes with you?" (asked the Guru).

"It's there. Good lineage, gOtram. Boy looks good, everyone of us like him. Yet to see if it matches. I am afraid to go to the astrologer."

"You have the girl's horoscope?"

"I have."

"Give me both."

Both horoscopes were submitted to him. PeriyavA took them in hand and had a second's glance at them.

"It's a match... Proceed with the marriage..."

The marriage was celebrated with all pomp and glory.

Three months later, the boy had an examination to pass, for a promotion at his office. How would be his luck in this? They showed the horoscope to the astrologer.

"There is nothing that can be told with certainty. You have the horoscope of this man's wife?"

He considered the girl's horoscope in elaborate detail. "Sir, What a wonderful match! It is very rare to have such a couple. Great comfort awaits this girl! So I can say with a clap of hand that the boy would get his promotion."

And he got it!

Like a ball struck with a bat, the parents came down to KAnchipuram.

"Owing to PeriyavA's anugraham, the marriage was conducted... The promotion too has come..."

"What did I do? In the horoscope, guru (the planet Jupiter) is in a good position..."

Aren't dampati--couple have the fortune to have their Guru in great position?

_பெரியவா சரணம்!_

_தொகுப்பு: பெரியவா குரல்_ | https://t.me/perivakural

*An initiative of Kanchi Periva Forum - www.periva.org | www.anusham.org*

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