Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Familiarity breeds contempt- Sanskrit Subhashitam

अतिपरिचयादवज्ञा  भवति विशिष्टेSपि  वस्तूनि  प्रायः|
लोकः  प्रयागवासी  कूपं   स्नानं    समाचरति ||

अत्यधिक परिचित   या सुलभ होने के कारण  प्रायः विशिष्ट वस्तुओं  की भी अवज्ञा लोग करने लगते है, उदाहरणार्थ  प्रयाग के निवासी  गंगा  और यमुना नदियों के पवित्र संगम  मे स्नान करने के बदले कुंवें  के जल से  ही स्नान करते हैं |

Too much acquaintance with or easy availability of a distinguished and respected thing by and large results in disregard or disrespect of that thing.   For example the residents of Prayaag take their daily bath with water drawn from a well .

*(Easy availability of even a priceless thing ,results in its disregard or disrespect. This fact has been highlighted in the above Subhashita by giving the example of people of Prayaag taking a bath with water drawn from a well rather than bathing at the confluence of the sacred rivers Ganges and Yamuna . For this purpose people come to Prayag from far off  places facing all the trouble and huge expenses but for the residents of Prayag it has very little importance.)*

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