Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Guha gita 2.22 to 2.38 in English

 *अथ द्वितीयोऽध्यायः* 
Chapter Two
 *सर्वत्र समभावना*  
Equanimity everywhere

स्थाने भिक्षो तवोक्त्याऽहं ध्यात्वा त्वामेव सन्ततम् ।
जीवन्मुक्तोऽस्मि तादात्म्यनिश्चयादेव षण्मुख ॥ २.२२॥

O Bhikshu, Shanmukha, by listening to your words and meditating on you always, I am Jivanmukta (liberated while in body), with conviction of identity (of my Self with Paramatma, i.e. yourself); this is but proper. (2.22)

वर्णाश्रमाचारधर्माः किमर्थं वेदचोदिताः ।
तैर्बद्धाः कीदृशा लोके मुक्ताः कीदृग्विधा अपि ॥ २.२३॥

Why are the codes of conduct and dharmas pertaining to Varnas and Asramas stipulated by Vedas? What kind of people are bound by them? Of what genre are liberated people? (2.23)

श्रीभिक्षुरुवाच- Sri Bhikshu said
हन्त ते कथयाम्यद्य तत्त्वं शृणु सनातनम् ।
अविद्योपाधिनाऽशान्तप्राणिनो जगति स्थिताः ॥ २.२४॥

Oh, I shall now tell you the eternal principle; listen. Living beings in the world are marked by the attribute of Avidya (ignorance) and hence they are in Asanthi (agitation). (2.24)

नादिरन्तोऽस्ति तस्यास्तु ब्रह्मज्ञानेन केवलम् ।
बहूनां जन्मनामन्ते ज्ञानवान्मां प्रपद्यते ॥ २.२६॥
There is no beginning or end of Avidya; it comes to an end (in the case of a Jiva) only through Brahmagnana. After many, many births, the man of knowledge attains to me (Shanmukha). (2.26)

Bhagavadgita has the same statement in 7.19.

सर्वं ब्रह्मैवेति मतिः स महात्मा सुदुर्लभः ।
पुराऽपृच्छदगस्त्योऽपि प्रणम्य पितरं मम ॥ २.२७॥
That Mahatma, who perceives everything as Brahman, is rare to find. Long ago, Agastya also asked my father after prostrating to him. (2.27)

Mahatma is one who perceives the same Atma in all beings in the created universe.

सहस्रशीर्षे भगवान् स्थितो नारायणाभिधः ।
क्षीराब्धौ चिन्तयन् शम्भुं शङ्करं शिवमव्ययम् ॥ २.२९॥
Bhagavan Narayana was lying on the bed of Adisesha, the thousand-hooded one, in the Milk Ocean, thinking of imperishable Siva, who is Sambhu, auspiciousness incarnate, and Sankara, bestower of auspiciousness. (2.29)

कदाचित् पङ्कजं दिव्यं तरुणादित्यसन्निभम् ।
तस्य सुप्तस्य देवस्य नाभ्यां जातं महत्तरम् ॥ २.३०॥
Once there arose from the navel of that Deva, who was sleeping, a divine and glorious lotus, shining like the rising Sun. (2.30)

हिरण्यगर्भो भगवान् ब्रह्मा विश्वजगत्पतिः ।
आस्थाय परमां मूर्तिं तस्मिन् पद्मे समुद्बभौ ॥ २.३१॥
In that lotus, Bhagavan Brahma, who is Hiranyagarbha, the golden egg, the lord of all the worlds appeared with a splendid form. (2.31)

तस्य हस्तात् सह स्त्रीभिः जज्ञिरे पृथिवीभुजः।
ऊरुभ्यां सहिताः स्त्रीभिः जाता वैश्याः शिवाज्ञया ॥२. ॥३३
By order of Siva, kshatriyas, protectors of earth, together with women were born from Brahma's hand. Vaisyas,  together with women, were born from Brahma's thigh. (2.33)

पद्भ्यां शूद्रास्सह स्त्रीभिः जज्ञिरे शंकराज्ञया ।
स्वस्त्रीषु स्वस्वधर्मेण मार्गेणोत्थः स्वभुर्भवेत् ॥ २.३४॥
By order of Sankara, sudras, together with women were born from the feet of Brahma. When the men of these Varnas unite with the women of their own Varna as per the dharma laid down for them, the offspring that will rise will be of their own disposition. (2.34)

अपरासूत्तमाज्जातः त्वनुलोमः प्रकीर्तितः ।
उत्तमास्वपराज्जातः प्रतिलोम इति स्मृतः ॥ २.३५॥

Child born of union of man of a higher Varna with woman of a lower Varna is called 'Anuloma'. Child born of union of man of a lower Varna with woman of a higher Varna is called 'Pratiloma'. (2.35)

वर्णस्त्रीषु अनुलोमेन जातस्स्यादान्तरालिकः ।
वर्णासु प्रतिलोमेन जातो व्रात्य इति स्मृतः ॥ २.३६॥

Child born of union of Anuloma man with woman of a higher Varna is called 'Aantaraalika'. Child born of union of Pratiloma man with woman of a higher Varna is called 'Vraatya'. (2.36)

ब्राह्मण्यां सधवायां यो ब्राह्मणेनैव मोहतः ।
जातश्चौर्येण कुण्डोऽसौ विधवायां तु गोलकः ॥ २.३७॥
Child born of stealthy union of a brahmana man with another brahmana woman, whose husband is alive, through infatuation is called 'Kunda'. If the woman is a brahmana widow, the child is 'Golaka'. (2.37)

एवमेवानुलोमाश्च प्रतिलोमाश्च जातयः ।
उच्चावचप्रपञ्चेऽस्मिन् बह्व्यो जाता हि कामतः ॥ २.३८॥
Thus many are the castes (jatis), high and low, born of Anulomas and Pratilomas through infatuation in this world. (2.38)

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