Thursday, October 10, 2024

Why Dividend Stocks Are Very Important?

*Why dividend stocks are most important*

1) If you're going to be in the market for a long period of time, you might as well be getting paid.

2) If your portfolio drops in value, the dividends will help make up for some of the unrealized losses.

3) Cash flow is king. When you get paid a dividend the money is yours. You can only make money with non-dividend paying stocks when you sell. 

4) You have to hold the stock to get the dividend. This solidifies a long term investing mindset. That's powerful. Very few people can hold onto their stocks for long terk.

5) Dividends are quiet. You could be making 10k/month in dividends and nobody would know.

6) Dividends give you more dry powder to buy more shares at a discount. When the market drops, you'll be happy to have the extra capital.

7) Waking up to a dividend just hits different. It's money you've earned for doing zero work. You were getting paid in your sleep.

8) Your portfolio will keep on growing plus you will get dividends every month to fund your expeneses. You will get dual benefits.

So average investor, yes you.

Build a dividend portfolio from 2022-27 So it can pay your bills from 2027-rest of your life.

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