Thursday, October 10, 2024

Snake & rope

What you see as 'snake' is in reality 'rope'.

The word substratum commonly used by advaitins can sometimes create confusions. 

The student may wrongly understand that there is a world and underneath the world, there is Consciousness.  
In other words, there is the world above and there is Consciousness below supporting the world.

But, with this wrong understanding, he will end up in dvaitam. It is like saying, 'underneath the snake, there is the rope'. 

What you see as 'snake', is in reality 'rope'.  
By right cognition, the imagined snake is displaced by the real rope. 

We don't retain snake and introduce the rope. We displace the snake by the rope. 

Similarly,  Brahma Jnanam displaces the world, by the knowledge of Brahman. 

Hence, Brahma Jnanam should displace the world, if not, the fight with the world will continue. 
The student wants to get Brahma Jnanam and use it to fighting worldly problems. Unfortunately, he will never win the fight with the world. 

The jnani should understand that there is no world to fight at all. 

Swamiji concludes, "Stop the fight. You have won".

Naishkarmya siddhi talks - Sw Paramarthananda

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