Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Soundaryalahari sloka 19


19. mukham bindhum krthvaa 
    kuchayugam aDhasthasya thadhaDho
    haraarDham Dhyaayeth yo 
    haramahishi the manmaTha kalaam
    sa sahyaH samkshobham nayathi
    vanithaa ithyathilaghu
   thrilokeem apyaaSu bhramayathi

முக²ம்ʼ பி³ந்து³ம்ʼ க்ருʼத்வா குசயுக³மத⁴ஸ்தஸ்ய தத³தோ⁴
ஹரார்த⁴ம்ʼ த்⁴யாயேத்³யோ ஹரமஹிஷி தே மன்மத²கலாம் .
ஸ ஸத்³ய꞉ ஸங்க்ஷோப⁴ம்ʼ நயதி வனிதா இத்யதிலகு⁴
த்ரிலோகீமப்யாஶு ப்⁴ரமயதி ரவீந்து³ஸ்தனயுகா³ம் .. 19..

Oh the consort of Hara, one who meditates on your face as the bindhu at the centre of Srichakra and your breasts and the bottom which is half body of Siva, ( that makes the triangle of Srichakra , I think), and contemplates on the kaamakalaa beejam , kleem , brings with in his power the kama shakthi devathas easily. And he will enchant even the damsel of three worlds having the Sun and the moon as her breasts.

haramahishi- Oh the consort of Hara

yo krthvaa- one who making
mukham- your face

bindhum krthvaa-as the bindhu of srichakra

kuchayugam- and the breasts 

thasya aDhaH- which is below that

thath aDhaH- and that below

haraarDhyam- which is the half of Siva 

Dhyaayeth- meditates

the  manmaTha kalaam—your kaamlkalaa( represented by kleem)

saH -he

sadhyaH- at once 

samkshobham nayathi-brings under his power 

vanithaaH – the kaamashakthis

ithi athi laghu- very easily.

Bhramayathi- also enchants

aaSu- quickly

thrilokeem api- even the three worlds as a woman

raveendhusthanayugaam- having the Sun and the Moon as her breasts.

20. kirantheem angebhyaH kiraNa nikurumbamrtharasam
      hrdhithvaam aaDhatthe himakaraSilaamoorthim iva yaH
      sa sarpaaNaam dharpam samayathi sakunthaaDhipa iva
jvaraplushtaan  dhrshtyaa sukhayathi suDhaaDhaarasirayaa

கிரந்தீமங்கே³ப்⁴ய꞉ கிரணனிகுரம்பா³ம்ருʼதரஸம்ʼ
ஹ்ருʼதி³ த்வாமாத⁴த்தே ஹிமகரஶிலாமூர்திமிவ ய꞉ .
ஸ ஸர்பாணாம்ʼ த³ர்பம்ʼ ஶமயதி ஶகுந்தாதி⁴ப இவ
ஜ்வரப்லுஷ்டான் த்³ருʼஷ்ட்யா ஸுக²யதி ஸுதா⁴தா⁴ரஸிரயா .. 20..

One who meditates on you in his heart oozing stream of nectar from your limbs like an embodiment of moonstone quells the power of the serpents like Garuda  and cures those afflicted with fever by his glance which is endowed with nectarine veins.

yaH aaDhatthe- one who holds 

thvaam- you

hrdhi-in his heart 


angebhyaH –from your limbs

kiraNa nikurumbamrtharasam-nectar in the form of cluster of rays

himakaraSilaamoorthim iva-like the moonstone

sa Samayathi-he quells 

dharpam- the power (pride) 

sarpaaNaam-of the serpents

sakunDhaadhipa iva- like Garuda

sukhayathi- make well

jvaraplustaan- those afflicted by fever

dhrshtyaa- by glance 

suDhaadhaara sirayaa-which is with nectarine veins.

21.thatillekhaathanveem thapanaSasivaiSvaanaramayeem
    nishaNNaam shaNNaam apyupari kamalaanaam thava 
    mahaapadhmaatavyaam mrdhithamalamaayena manasaa
    mahaanthaH paSyanthaH dhaDhathi

தடில்லேகா²தன்வீம்ʼ தபனஶஶிவைஶ்வானரமயீம்ʼ
நிஷண்ணாம்ʼ ஷண்ணாமப்யுபரி கமலானாம்ʼ தவ கலாம் .
மஹாபத்³மாடவ்யாம்ʼ ம்ருʼதி³தமலமாயேன மனஸா
மஹாந்த꞉ பஶ்யந்தோ த³த⁴தி பரமாஹ்லாத³லஹரீம் .. 21..

The great souls who see the subtle light of You  like the ray of lightning and which gives power  to Sun, Moon and Fire and which settles at sahasrara on the top of the six lotuses(chakras) in the great forst of lotuses with purified minds will experience the waves of supreme bliss

mahaanthaH-the great souls

paSyanthaH- who see
manasaa – with mind

mrdhitha malamaayena- purified of all imperfections like desire, anger etc.,

thava kalaam- your kala known as saadhaa

thatillekhaathanveem – which is subtle like the line of lightning
( sookshmathejas)

thapanaSasivaiSvaanaramayeem- which shines in the Sun, Moon and Fire

nishaNNaam- which settles 

upari- on the top 

shaNNaam kamalaanaam- of the six lotuses, meaning the chakras , the light of the Devi travelling trough the six chakras and settling down at sahasrara where she unites with Siva.

mahaapadhmaatavyaam- in the great forest of lotuses

dhaDhathi- enjoy

paramaahlaadha lahareem-waves of supreme bliss.

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