Friday, October 11, 2024

Karana and kaarya - cause and effect

Sri Gurubhyonamaha,

*Upanishad Saara - Jnana dhaara*

*161. Jiva Tattva - Sharira Thraya Viveka* 

*Karana Sharira*

So far we had seen the overview of technical terms that are used to define Karana sharira. Now, we will see every term in detail:

First term is *śarīradvayasya kāraṇamātraṁ:*

- When we see a Mango tree, we know that it has a mango seed as its cause. 

- *If a huge Mango tree has to originate from a Mango seed* - then what Vedanta says is that the *entire Mango tree is present in a hidden, dormant, latent, potential, unmanifest, form i.e. in the (Mango) seed form*.

- If the Mango tree was not already present in a potential form, then there is no way the Mango tree could have grown from this Mango seed.

- That is the reason, if we sow a coconut it doesn't grow into a Mango tree or if we sow a stone, no sprout comes from it. Only when we sow a Mango seed will it grow into a Mango tree.

- Hence the entire tree, i.e. trunk, branches, flowers, leaves, everything is present within a seed. However all these can't be seen when we see the Mango seed, because they are all present in an unmanifest form. 

- This can be extended to everything we see in the creation; everything we see has to be in potential form in its respective cause.

- In Sanskrit, the *potential form is called Karana* and *whatever originates from Karana is called Karya*.

Hari Om Tat Sat
Sri Ramakrishnaarpanamasthu 🙏🏻

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