Wednesday, September 25, 2024

shAstrAya ca sukhAya ca - Sloka

Courtesy Sri. Sri. Vaidhyanathqn
प्रातः स्नानं गवां सेवा आरामः पुष्पवाटिका।
मातापित्रोश्च शुश्रूशा शास्त्राय च सुखाय च॥
prātaḥ snānaṁ gavāṁ sevā ārāmaḥ puṣpavāṭikā|
mātāpitrośca śuśrūśā śāstrāya ca sukhāya ca||
The following activities would give a lot of comfort and at the same time are indeed proved beneficial spiritually and scientifically too.
1. A thorough bath in the morning 
2. Rearing cows 
3. Moving in airy open spaces and grounds 
4. Flower Gardens 
5. Serving the partents faithfully especially in their advanced age. 
The bath is prescribed by scriptures and also has health benefits. The cows are as sacred as divine mother and at the same time having them adds a lot of health and financial benefits too. The benefits of open air and flower gardens are too obvious, so also the merits of serving parents. These points require no elaboration.

Shaastraaya cha Sukhaaya Cha.. is a vachanam we usually quote on many occasions in our life. Things which are scientifically beneficial and which give us a lot of comfort and happiness too. Many activities which are proved beneficial strictly in the scientific and scriptural sense would give some discomfort. And many things which are cozy are not really beneficial either scientifically or as per scriptures.

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