Friday, August 9, 2024



These pictures were clicked in Chaturvedeshwar Dham Vedapathashala, Savargaon, Maharashtra. Sri Sri Sannidhanam visited this Pathashala during His pravAsa (camp) at Dhalegaon in the month of January, 2019. 

Sri Sri Sannidhanam spent some time at the Pathashala - visited the Chaturvedeshwara (Shiva) sannidhi, interacted with the founder and other adhyapakas as well as the Vidyarthis at the Pathashala, and after that gave an Anugraha Bashanam too. 

After the Anugraha Bashanam, upon the request of the Pathashala founder and adhyapakas Acharyal visited the Goshala and fed Gomata-s and Govatsas. 

As Sri Sri Sanidhanam was moving around in the Goshala and feeding the cows, this little calf - just about 9-10 days old -started roaming around Acharyals Divine Feet and when he stood at a spot it was rubbing itself on Acharyal. It was too little so many people could not even notice it and people who were standing very close to Acharyal could not even stop or hush it away. 

All of a sudden Acharyal took it up in HIS arms, gave a loving glance, gave a Divine Sweet touch and put the calf down.. as if it got what it wanted and it just ran away. 

Soon after that, Acharyal left the camp to Dhalegaon. 

A couple of hours later, a Veda Pandit from that pathashala came to the camp. What he narrated evoked tears of ecstacy from everyone that listened to his account. 

It was this: ever since that calf was born it's mother disowned it, never fed the calf and even when the calf approached it the cow would plant a kick.. it seems it is not unusual.. some cows undergo a trauma when giving birth and in that shock end up reacting like this for a while. So the goshala workers were feeding the little infant calf through bottles during those 10 days. 

As soon as Acharyal took the calf, looked at it with Vatsalyam, gave the Sweet Divine Touch and dropped it down, the trauma of the mother cow vanished and the mother lovingly started suckling it!!! 

Emotions play an invaluable role in Existence, more so human existence. Balanced emotions is a sure asset for material success or spiritual peace. 

When Achayals can extend Their Divine Care on a young calf, will it not be in Abundance in our lives. Blessed Emotions and strong family bonding are foundational pillars for every youngster to grow and shape well in Life. May each one of be Blessed to receive This Divine Care from Acharyals 

Offering at the Lotus Feet of Acharyals

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