Monday, August 24, 2020


Courtesy: Sri.K.S.Shankar

दोष परिहाराष्टकं - 2
अन्यस्य दोष गणनाकुतुकं ममैतद् –आविष्करोति नियतं मयि दोषवत्त्वम् ।
दोषः पुनर् मयि न चेद अखिले सतीशो –दोष ग्रहः कथं उदेतु ममेश तस्मिन् ॥ 1॥
Oh Lord Shiva, I seem to enjoy one job very much – anyasya dosha gunan akutukam - to find defect of other people and counting them. I derive joy - ananda. Oh Lord finding fault with others and talking about them is the biggest fault that I have and please bless me to remove this dosha in me.
Finding fault with others clearly reveals one thing in me. What is that? Mayi doshavatvam - It reveals my dosha only and not that of others - my own defect.
Sri Ayyaval goes on to prove how it is my dosha ? He gives a valid logic for this. What is wrong in finding fault with others and why should I not do that?
The reason the author gives is that in the scriptures and in our religion, we are taught to see sarvam vishnumayam jagat or Sivamayam jagat or Sarvam Khalu idam brahma. We recite in Vishnu Sahasranama Dhyana sloka - Chitram Ramramyate Tam Tribhuvana Vapushham Vishhnumeesham Namaami -  In Him is embodied the universe, with the diverse things and beings of different genre, the gods, humans, birds, cattle, serpents, birds and beasts, the gandharvas and daityas (asuras) - all sporting in a charming way. If we have to gain knowledge by seeing the Lord everywhere and if this is my aim of human birth, than what should I see? I must be able to see the Pure Isvara everywhere who is ever Nirdosha, without any defect. 
If I see any defect in Isvara, the defects are not in the Lord's Visvarupa or manifestation but in my own limited and clouded mind. I who is endowed with this alpa buddhi full of arrogance and ignorance, is seeing defects in the defectless Isvara.
Therefore Sri Ayyaval says When everything in the world is nothing but the Isvara, where does the defect lie ?
If there were no dosha in me, I would not be finding fault with Isvara Who is right in front of me manifested as Jagat with both material and intelligence cause. Here Sridhar Ayyaval is showing the perspective from the point of Vedanta – Idam sarvam Isvarah – All that is here is Isvara.
Oh, Lord Shiva please, remove this dosha in me where I tend to find fault with the Jagat which is nothing but manifestation of Isvara

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