Monday, August 24, 2020



Dear friends, 

Every body know about Urvashi's curse on Arjuna and how it helped him during Anjatha vasa[ incognito in exile]. Here are some interesting details not much known about the incident. After reading them I thought of sharing them with members. Have an enjoyable reading. 

Specially to say today I received a response from a top ranked officer who has retired from Telecom Commission as Senior DDG appreciating my write-ups knowing  that I had been a BSNL employee. I lack to express my gratitude. The following is a compilation from a website


Gopala Krishnan 18-10-09 

Reposted on 21-8-2020 after editing and updating. R. Gopala Krishnan 

1Arjuna looks at Urvashi misunderstood 

Arjuna was received with all love and affection by his father Indra. Arjuna spent some very pleasant time going around and seeing the Indraloka. Capital of Indra was called Amaravati. In the court of Indra all the Gandharvas sang divine songs and all the beautiful Apsaras danced. 

All the Apsaras, Rambha Urvashi, Menaka, Tilottama were present there. Arjuna watched all their performance and was very much fascinated. He kept looking at Urvashi. She also noticed Arjuna's interest in her and the fire of love was kindled in her. Urvashi fell in love with Arjuna. 

Urvashi could not sleep at night. She was constantly thinking about Arjuna. She was overpowered by her desire for Arjuna. She stole into Arjuna's chamber. Arjuna welcomed her with love, courtesy and honour. Urvashi expressed her desire for Arjuna. 

A surprised Arjuna told her that he had heard about the great romance between her and his ancestors Pururva. He only regarded her as the beloved of his ancestor. She was like a mother to him. Any other relationship was impossible even to contemplate. 

Urvashi was mistaken; she thought Arjuna was interested in her as an admirer. She took it as a great insult to be turned down by a mere mortal. She said it was not proper to refuse a woman, her desire.And the rules of Bhooloka do not bind for Devaloka. Therefore, she cursed him, Arjuna shall never be able to enjoy a woman's company. He will become a eunuch. 

2. Gandharva Chithrasena help Arjuna 

In the morning Arjuna  told these things to a Gandharva, Chitrasena whom he had befriended. Indra, being informed about Arjuna's curse, came to him to  console him . Indra said that he would request Urvashi to commute  her curse for a period of one year. 

The Urvashi's curse will be blessing in disguise to Arjuna during the period of one year when they were to live in disguise. 

Arjuna stayed in Amravati for sometime. Indra gave him all the divine astras[arrows]. Then he came back to the Earth but before that he learnt the art of dancing and singing from his friend Chitrasena and he became quite an expert in these fine arts. 

3.Sage Lomasha visit Indraloka 

During that period once sage Lomasha came to the court of Indra. He was surprised to see Arjuna there sharing Indra's throne with him. Indra told sage Lomasha about Arjuna that he was his son from Kunti. 

Indra requested the sage that during his visit to the Earth he should inform the Pandavas who were living in the forest that Arjuna is well with him. After performing certain deeds for Indra he would be back with his brothers and wife. The Pandavas will be very unhappy without Arjuna. They should be advised to go on a pilgrimage. Sage Lomasha left Indra's court for the Earth. 

4.Pandavas unhappy in the absence Arjuna 

The Pandavas were spending their days in the forest. In absence of Arjuna they were quite unhappy. Bhima, Nakula, Sahdeva and Draupadi were quite miserable missing some thing of Life. {This scene was very clearly depicted in a Malayalam tele-serial recently}  They always were for full-fledged attack on Kauravas and for a decisive war. 

Yudhisthira was for restraint and forbearance. After their term of exile was over if Duryodhana refused to return their kingdom, only then war was to be the option for him. Bhima and others were not at all convinced and they were always very unhappy and sullen.

Bhima was also quite critical of the idea of sending Arjuna for doing penance. It was not the dharma of a Kshatriya to do tapas. He should rely on his strength and his skill in the use of weapons. By doing penance and obtaining astras from gods was not a quite Kshatriya like conduct to Bhima's simple mind. 

Yudhisthira had a lot of affection for Bhima. All his talks to Bhima could not convince him or to other Pandavas. They constantly talked about war and to win back their kingdom through their Kshatriya like bravery. 

5. Sage Brihadaswa tell story of Nala to Pandavas 

At that time a great sage Brihadaswa visited the cottage of the Pandavas. He heard about the misfortune, which had befallen  the Pandavas. He told the Pandavas that king Nala had similarly lost his kingdom through gambling. But king Nala also regained his kingdom through gambling. Sage Brihadaswa taught a game called "Akshahridaya". This game was learnt by Yudhisthira, who mastered it soon. Then the sage departed after giving his blessings to the Pandavas. 

6. Sage Narada suggest pilgrimage 

After him, Sage Narada paid a visit to the ashrama of the Pandavas. Narada suggested that the Pandavas might go on a pilgrimage. The suggestion of Narada was liked by all of them. Sage Dhaumya the Kulaguru of the Pandavas also gave his approval.

 The Pandavas decided to go on a pilgrimage to all the sacred places in Bharatavarsha. They were planning and discussing from where to start their pilgrimage. 

7.SageLomasha visit pandavas and join pilgrimage 

Sage Lomasha also reached the cottage of the Pandavas at this time. He gave news of Arjuna to the Pandavas. After many years the news of Arjuna's being in the court of Indra and that he had obtained all the divine astras, that he was staying there to fulfil some task for his father Indra, etc. pleased them and specially Draupadi to no end. 

They all paid great respect to sage Lomasha. Lomasha expressed his wish to join the Pandavas during their pilgrimage. This pleased the Pandavas, as Lomasha knew all the holy places. After three days the Pandavas, Draupadi, Lomasha and sage Dhaumya started on their journey. 

8. Pandavas visit Prayag 

First they reached Namishyaranya situated at the banks of river Gomati. Then they reachedPrayag, which is called the king of all Teerthas, here the golden tinged pious water of Ganga meets with the mid night bluish coloured water of Yamuna. 

After spending some time there, they went through Narmada and Mahananda river banks to Hemkuta mountain peak. All these sacred places have great importance of their own. Sage Lomasha who knew all about these things told their histories and importance to the Pandavas. The Pandavas were very happy listening to these sacred histories. The time passed very quickly and pleasantly.Then the Pandavas turned to west. They went to the holy river Godavari and to Agastya teertha. Then reached the great ocean. 

9. Pandavas visit Dwaraka. 

From there they reached Dwaraka the capital of Vrishnis. Balarama, Krishna and all Vrishnis were over whelmed with joy to see the Pandavas and Draupadi among them; Balarama was stricken with great sorrow to see Yudhisthira and his brothers in the state of mendicants. He was extremely sorry to see Draupadi in the garb of tree barks and deerskin, smeared with dust and grime. 

10 Balarama get enraged and Krishna pacify him 

 He had seen Yudhisthira, Resplendent in his court sitting among the kings of the world and Draupadi as his beautiful and gracious queen attired in the finest skills and wearing finest of jewels. He became enraged. His rage was terrible. He was willing to start an attack on the wicked Kauravas at once. He was very perturbed at the silence of Bhishma,Drona, and Kripa et al against such grave injustice done to the Pandavas. He was very angry with his disciple. Duryodhana. 

Krishna could pacify Balarama after much efforts and persuasion. He said that Yudhisthira was treading path of the 'truth'. All the riches and kingdom obtained dishonestly was of no value to him. It is just cause, which Yudhisthira is espousing. They should wait till their term of exile was over and then if Duryodhana failed to return there kingdom then the war was inevitable. The destruction of the Kauravas was equally certain. The path of Dharma chosen by Yudhisthira was the right path.

Yudhisthira was very happy to hear Krishna. He was the only one who could understand his point of view.. He said that the anger of Balarama has already started the destruction of Kauravas. He was all praise and gratefulness for what was done by Krishna for the Pandavas. After a pleasant stay there, they started for the North. 

11. Pandavas enjoy Mandara mountain 

They reached the banks of river Saraswati, While proceeding ahead they again reached Ganga. They went up to Mainak Mountain. From there they could observe all the streams of Ganga. From there, while going further, they reached Mandara Mountain, the abode of Kubera. The beauty of Mandara was such that they forgot all their fatigue. Even Bhima forgot all about his anger. All the directions were suffused with light and fragrances of the flowers. The Pandavas and their entourage rested for a while at Mandara Mountain. The scented air had made them forget all their hardships. 

12. What I have newly understood 

1. Urvashi stating difference of Laws in the Devaloka 

2. Visit of sage Lomasha and his joining in the pilgrimage with Pandavas 

3.Sage Dhoumya was kulaguru of Pandavas. 

4. Visit to Prayag was sacred even in Dwapara Yuga. 

5. Mandara mountain could calm even Bhima of his anger.

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