Monday, August 24, 2020

a cup of tea _ Sanskrit joke

असार: खलु संसारो लभ्यते न चहा यदि ।
विनामृतं यथा स्वर्गस्तथायुर्मे चहां विना ।।
The whole world seems worthless, if I don't get a cup of tea. Life without tea is like heaven without nectar.
लभ्यते चेच्चहा प्रातर्जीवितं सफलं मम ।
इदमेकं चहापानं रहस्यं जीवितस्य मे ।।
If I get a cup of tea in the morning, then life is worth living. A cup of tea is the sole secret of my life.

लभ्यते चेच्चहापानममृते का स्पृहा मम ।

अमृतं लभ्यते स्वर्गे जीवताममृतं चहा ।।

If I get a cup of tea, what do I care for nectar?  It is heard that one gets nectar in heaven, but for those who are alive, a cup of tea is as good as nectar.

आगम: सर्वसौख्यानां दु:खानां निर्गमस्तथा ।
हाकारान्तश्चकारादिरुपायो विदितो मया ।।
I have found the means to attain all happiness and to rid myself of all sorrow. Its name begins with "cha" and ends with "haa." [In Marathi "Chaha" (चहा) = tea.]

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]

पाने पाने कापिमाधुर्यभूतिः

मुग्धं मत्तं मां करोत्यञ्जसाऽहो ।

बिन्दौ बिन्दौ स्वर्गसाम्राज्यमाया

धन्यः पायी स क्व भोः कुत्र चायम् ॥


GSS. Murthy 

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