Friday, May 10, 2019

Body is the foremost requirement - Kalidasa in Kumarasambhava- Sanskrit

Courtesy:Sri.K.V.Anantha Narayanan

Physical fitness comes first

Uma the Patvathi is doing penance in a forest in Himalayas to gain Shiva as her husband. 
Shiva visits the place to test her.
He has disguised himself as a young brahmachari. 
Parvathi receives him with honours due to such a personage.

He is enquiring about her welfare.
अपि क्रियार्थं सुलभं समित्कुशं जलान्यपि स्नानविधिक्षमाणि ते।
अपि स्वशक्त्या तपसि प्रवर्तसे 
शरीरमाद्यं खलु धर्मसाधनम्।।

""Are you getting twigs and darbha grass easily for your daily rituals in connection with the tapas? 
Are the waters here suited well for your ritualistic bath? 
Are you doing penance within the limits of physical strength you have?
Remember , the body (its fitness) is the foremost requirement for achieving the merits through spiritual practices.

( this is the meaning of the full sloka which occurs in kalidasas kumarasmbuavam 5th chapter )

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