U-1 : ugAdi paNdigai
It is customary to celebrate as pandigai, yugAdi New year also, same way as Tamil New Year's day.
U-1 : upAkarma In the morning of Rg / Yajur upakarma day, everybody starting from Brahmacari, should
perform kAmOkArShIt japam. Thereafter, Brahmacaris, should get their head/face shaven
(keeping tuft). After this, everybody should perform mAdhyAhnika snanam, Oordhva pundram,
mAdhyAhnikam, yagnOpavIta dhAranam, & kaNda rShi tarpanam. In addition to these, Brahmacaris, should
adopt minji (a kind of belt made of specific grass / ajinam (deer skin in the style of yagnOpavItam)
and daNdam (stem of samit or pipal tree) before kaNda rShi tarpanam. Finally, everybody should get
adhyayana hOmam (vEdArambham) performed, under the tutorship of Acarya. Persons undergoing
mAtru / pitru dIkShA (year-long no-shaving vow), should not perform kAmOkArShIt japam and adhyayana hOmam.
When upakarma is not performed on that day, for reasons like mAtru / pitru dIkShA or Asoucam, after
relieved of these disqualifications, it could be performed on any of the pournami day following, upto the
month of aippasi. On the day of upAkarmA, only one-time-meal is permissible if gAyatri japam falls,
the day next to upAkarmA, ; If fasting is not possible something which is not full-rice-based (annam)
can be taken. This is known as palahAram in Tamil. Persons belonging to sAma / Rg sAkhA, should follow
upakarma rituals in accordance with that sAkhA. V-1 : vishNupati puNyakAlam The 12 monthly entries
of The Sun into each rAsi, are grouped into four : viz. viShu / ayanam / viShNupati / ShadasIti.
In that : - Tamil months cittirai & aippasi are - viShu " Adi & tai " -ayanam
"vaikasi/ Avani/ kArtikai & mAsi " –vishNupati " Ani/ purattAsi,/ markazhi
& panguni " -shadasIti -viShNupati punyakAlam (period for tila tarpanam) is : 16 nAzhikai
before & after masappirappu Persons whose Father is not alive, should perform tila tarpanam today.
When a person acts as srAddha bhOktA at EkOddiShta/ sapindi karana, he has to observe the period of 7-days
after bhOjan, similar to tEttu . If, during that period amAvAsya falls, it is the considered view of
sri tirukkOttiyur swamy that, amAvAsya tatpan should be performed, since it falls under swakarmA .
On all tarpanam days, only one-time-meal is permissible; If fasting is not possible something which is
not full-rice-based (annam) can be taken. This is known as palahAram in Tamil. This rule is valid, even
on occasions when, a person is
temporarily disqualified to perform tarpanam, for reasons like Asoucam – tEttu. Persons, who are
to perform pitru-srAddhA today, should perform viShNupati tarpanam first and then do srAddhAm &
vastra niShpIdanam. In case of srAddha bhOktAs – swamis – they should perform viShNupati tarpanam &
vastra niShpIdanam, before srAddha bhOjanam. If eclipse befalls this day, only grahaNa tarpanam is to
be performed (and not viShNupati tarpanam) V-2 : vishuva punyakAlam The 12 monthly entries of The Sun
into each rAsi, are grouped into four : viz. viShu / ayanam / viShNupati / ShadasIti. In that : -
Tamil months cittirai & aippasi are - viShu " Adi & tai " -ayanam
" vaikasi/ Avani/ kArtikai & mAsi " –vishNupati " Ani/ purattAsi,/ markazhi & panguni
" -shadasIti -vishua punyakAlam (period for tila tarpanam) is : 10 nAzhikai before & after
masappirappu Persons whose Father is not alive, should perform tila tarpanam. When a person acts as
srAddha bhOktA at EkOddiShta/ sapindi karana, he has to observe the period of 7-days after bhOjan, similar to
tEttu . If, during that period amAvAsya falls, it is the considered view of sri tirukkOttiyur swamy that,
amAvAsya tatpan should be performed, since it falls under swakarmA . On all tarpanam days, only
one-time-meal is permissible; If fasting is not possible something which is not full-rice-based (annam) can
be taken. This is known as palahAram in Tamil. This rule is valid, even on occasions when, a person is
temporarily disqualified to perform tarpanam, for reasons like Asoucam – tEttu. Persons, who are to
perform pitru-srAddhA today, should perform vishu tarpanam first and then do srAddhAm & vastra niShpIdanam.
In case of srAddha bhOktAs – swamis – they should perform viShu tarpanam & vastra niShpIdanam, before srAddha
bhOjanam. If eclipse befalls this day, only grahaNa tarpanam is to be performed (and not viShu tarpanam)
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