Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sri rAma rAma rAmeti - meaning

Courtesy:Sri.HN.Bhat & Nityanand Mishra

1) rAma rAma rAmeti rame rAme manorame |
sahasranAma tattulyaM rAmanAma varAnane ||

2) rAma rAma rAmeti rame rAme manorame |
'sahasranAmatastulyaM' rAmanAma varAnane ||

The first would directly mean 

I  rejoice राम, राम, राम etc. in राम, (the name of  राम or god राम) attractive to mine. in both the readings.
In the second half, it would mean:

सहस्रनाम (the thousand names of विष्णु where this verse is usuallly found) is equal to it (the name of राम) and 
the last pAda, makes the confusion is taken separately.:

रामनामवरानने - if taken as single compound, it would be adjective to पार्वती,  whose mouth is elevated by reciting the name of राम.

as isolated it would stand alone. Hence it seems to be need of the correction to make the word रामनाम directly making रामनाम related to the सहस्रनाम. Hence it would mean in the corrected reading,

हे वरानने, as vocative of पार्वती, 

रामनाम - the रामनाम, सहस्रनामतस्तुल्यम् - equal to सहस्रनाम

which makes the idea clearly comparing रामनाम equal to सहस्रनाम.

That makes the difference in the relationship of सहस्रनाम and रामनाम. In the first it equates सहस्रनाम with the other and in the second, it makes रामनाम equated with सहस्रनाम.

The first is correct for the context eulogizing सहस्रनाम to रामनाम. while the second eulogize रामनाम a single name equal to thousand names. The purport seems to be changed.

both मनोरमे and वरानने can apply to both Parvati as the vocative case (the listener of the verse) and to the name of Rama, as adjectives to रामे. 
वरं आननं येन तद्वराननं रामनाम इत्यर्थः तस्मिन् वरानने रामे (अहं) रमे. 

कूजन्तं राम रामेति मधुरं मधुराक्षरम्।
आरुह्य कविताशाखां वन्दे वाल्मीकिकोकिलम्॥

is another verse eulogizing रामनाम  .

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