Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kannappa Nayanar - HH.Bharathi theerthar

Courtesy:Sringeri videos

Sringeri Jagadguru narrates story of Kannappa Nayanar giving his eyes to God Shiva

People must realize that despite the many incarnations, names and forms, the Lord is One and one has to cultivate Bhakti. Everyone knows the story of Sri Kannappa Nayanar. Sri Adi Shankaracharya has beautifully described Sri Kannappa Nayanar's devotion in Shivananda Lahari –

मार्गावर्तितपादुका पशुपतेरङ्गस्य कूर्चायते
गण्डूषांबुनिषेचनं पुररिपोर्दिव्याभिषेकायते ।
किंचित्भक्षितमांसशेषकवलं नव्योपहारायते
भक्तिः किं न करोत्यहो वनचरो भक्तावतंसायते ॥६३॥

(The footwear becomes the crown on the head of the Lord, water carried in the mouth and spouted becomes divine bathing, the remnants of a partly-eaten piece of meat becomes freshly prepared offering to the Lord and the hunter Kannappa becomes the crest-jewel of devotees of the Lord. Wonder of wonders! What is it that devotion to the Lord cannot do!)

Despite being a mere hunter, Sri Kannappa Nayanar had touched the highest point of Bhakti. He once saw water running down from one of the eyes of the Shivalinga he used to worship. Immediately, he plucked out one of his own eyes and offered it to the Lord. Then, the other eye of the Shivalinga too started shedding water. Sri Kannappa plucked out his second eye too and offered it to the Lord. The Lord gave Sayujya to Sri Kannappa Nayanar. Sri Kannappa is a great example of how a supreme devotee of the Lord would act in such trying circumstances. Can we compare ourselves to Sri Kannappa? Our devotion stops at the extent where we get satisfied by offering more fruits and decorating the Lord with more beautiful flowers.

However one must realize that the Lord alone is one's refuge and strengthen one's devotion. Can we go to anyone else when we are in a dire situation? People would only say, "I am facing more problems than you are. How can I help you?" Hence the Lord alone must be our refuge.


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