Sunday, May 27, 2012

Purandara Dasaru

Courtesy: Sri.narahari


Daasarendare Purandara Daasarayya

ಮನ್ಮನೋಭೀಷ್ಟ ವರದಂ ಸರ್ವಾಭೀಷ್ಟ ಫಲಪ್ರದಂ|
ಪುರಂದರ ಗುರುಂ ವಂದೇ ದಾಸಶ್ರೇಷ್ಠಂ ದಯಾನಿಧಿಂ ||

Purandara Mantapa – Sri Krishnadevaraya, the King of Vijayanagar, invited him to his palace and built a Japashala for Purandaradasaru, near Chakrathirtha, now popularly called as "Purandara Mantapa"

Purandara Mantapa @ Hampi

  1. Birth Place      – Purandara Ghada, 18 Miles from Poona

  2. Period               – 1480 A.D to 1564 A.D

  3. Janma naama – Srinivasa Naika

  4. Profession    – Business in Gold and precious stones

  5. Amsha           -  Naradamsha

  6. Gotra             – Vasista, Yajurshaka

  7. Wife‟s name – Saraswathi Bai

  8. Children   – four children – Varadappa, Gururaya, Abhinavappa and Guru Madhwapathi

  9. Purandaropanishat -  He is said to have composed 425000/- devaranamas.  Of which only 1000 are available now.  Sri Vyasarajaru kept the Devaranamas, Suladi, and Ugabobha alongwith Sarvamoola and did the pooja for them and called the devaranamas by Purandaradasaru as "Purandaropanishat", which is the gist of Bhagavatha and Upanishat.

  10. Character -  He was a miser – Lobhi or jipuna.  He had a lot of wealth and was populaly called as "Navakoti Narayana" but he hardly gave anything to anybody.  Attaining Vairagya -   At the age of 40 years.   "Lobha" gave place to "Vairagya" .  His "Love of Gold" turned as "Love of God" and became Haridasa.    He left Purandaragada alongwith his entire family and visited Pandarapura and came to Vijayanagar and sought the shishyatva of Sri Vyasarajaru, who gave him ankita as Purandara vittala and asked him to compose Devaranamas in Kannada.

  11. Madhukara Vrutti -  After getting the shishyatva of Sri Vyasarajaru, he left everything and started Madhukaravrutti -   His dress consist of a turban, tulasimale, chitike, gejje,  and gopalabutti consisting of voluntarily contributed food and other articles.

  12. Contemporaries – Sri Vyasarajaru, Sri Vadirajaru, Sri Vaikuntadasaru, Sri Kanakadasaru,Sri Annamacharya, Krishnadevaraya, Sripadarajaru



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