Monday, November 22, 2010

Purpose of creation by Velukkudi Sri U Ve Krishnan Swami

courtesy: Sri Vaishnavism e magazine
Srimate Ramanajaya Namaha
Srimad Varavaramunaye Namaha

Purpose of Creation

Talk in English by

Velukkudi Sri U Ve Krishnan Swami.


Srimate Ramanujaya Namaha

Purpose of Creation.

Knowledge about 1. tatva (real being) 2. hita (means) and 3. puru

ṣārtha (the goal) is the most needed. 1. tatva - There are three real entities acit (the insentient), cit or jīvātmā (the sentient) and īśvara (the controlling God). All the three are eternal. The jīvā is entangled in a vicious cycle of births and deaths due to it's past deeds (karma). Both, this cycle and karma (the cause of this cycle )have no beginning but fortunately have an end. 2. puruṣārtha – The goal of any jīvā is to get out of this cycle and reach salvation. Other goals like material wealth are quite mean when compared to the eternal bliss of enjoying the divine and sweet attributes of Brahmam. 3. hita – 1. bhakti (path of devotion) supported by the path of action and the path of wisdom or 2. śaraṇāgati (unconditional surrender) are the two means to salvation. While it is my effort that reaches me to salvation in the former path, it is totally the effort of the Supreme God that lifts me in the latter. With this background, let us shift to Creation. As this entire universe is the Created, there necessarily has to be a Creator. We can neither see the Creator nor infer. So the ancient

scriptures (Vedas) are the only resort to prove His existence and essential nature. The Vedas deal with Creation and its purpose at length. The big deluge (pralaya) - This was when all the cit and acit lost their distinctive forms and names and got stuck to the Almighty Brahmam. In this state, there is hardly any difference between the sentient and the insentient. It is a pity that the enormous power and wisdom of the

ātman gets covered during deluge, making it impossible to practise any path for salvation. Creation and thereafter - śrīman Nārāyaa, the abode of compassion, resolves to create this universe and blesses the jīvā with a body. He expects the jīvā to use the Vedas as the guiding light, and the mind and intellect as tools for decision making. This was not to happen. On the contrary, the ātman gets dragged into the net of sensual organs and forgets the purpose of its Creation.
The sole purpose of Creation is to get rid of our karmas and eventually end this vicious cycle of birth and death, to reach
śrī vaikuṇṭha. All the common virtues viz. not to lie, not to steal, not be greedy and selfless service are all incidental in this material world when compared with the central purpose. Why should we believe this abstract theory ? Is this the gospel of the escapists who are unsuccessful in material life ? Not at all. This is the conclusion by the ancient scriptures and the sages who had astonishing powers and unbelievable performance. Although, their deeds in this material world were unparalleled, yet they advocated salvation as the ultimate goal. Even today, noble souls can do more and perform better than a common man. True ascetics work and achieve more than us, but they do not claim so. Is salvation relevant to the youth ? Should they not wait till retirement to be devoted ? Age is not the criteria. The day I realise the essential nature of the ātman - jñāna maya, ānanda maya, and bhagavad śeabhūta ( full of wisdom, bliss and absolute servitude) - I transform to be a devotee and a mumuku (the one longing for salvation). A simple recognition that The Almighty is the - most supreme, cause of my creation, most beautiful, most loving, most caring, most sweet – is enough to make us fall for Him. When you are introduced to a goal, know its greatness first and then the means to accomplish that. But during execution, follow the means first and then you achieve the goal. We are now getting introduced that our goal is bhagavān – so first know more and more about Him and His greatness. We would automatically be absorbed in practising the means to reach Him. Even the difficult means would look easy when we realise the value of the result. Spend more time in reading and listening about Him. Our intriguing questions would automatically be answered.
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.

  Every moment, thank God

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