and tri-sandhaana-kaavya or dvyashraya-kaavya/tryaashraya kaavya also.
Dvisandhaana-kaavya of Dhananjaya is also popularly known. Mention of a
Dvisandhaana-kaavya ascrinbed to Dandin is also available in Bhojaprabhanda
which is considered as the earliest of its species. Many more emerged in
this type.
A work Raghava-Yadava-Pandaviiyam authored by poet Chidambara (1600 ad) in
is available which describes the story of Ramayana, Bhagavata and
Mahabharata in a stretch.A commentary on this was written by his father
Anantanarayana, commenting three times each verse to bring out the triple
Two more with the same title and theme, is also available authored by
Rajacudamani dikshita and Anantacharya separately.
Another feat by the same poet Cidambara is *Pancha-kalyana-champuu* which
describes the story of five marriages of Rama, Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva and
Subrhmanya in a breath. Thus we have panca-sandhaana-kaaya giving Five
layers of meaning. A *Sapta-sandhaan-kaavya *by Meghavijayagani describes
the story of the Five *tiirthankara*-s plus Krishna and Baladeva
(Ramacandra he calls). Seven stries interwoven in each verse. Another
fore-runner of this, is said to be composed by Hemacandra, the versatile
genius of Jaina writers, which is lost today.
The highest degree of variable interpretations reached is the
Shataartha-kaavya of Somaprabha (1177 AD) in which he has interepreted
himself in hundred ways on account of which he is conferred the title
I hope this is the maximum limit available of interpretations to be thrust
into a poem. In between*dvisandhaana*.and *shataarthi* many might have
existed and only few have come down to us.
With regards
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
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