Friday, August 2, 2024

Utterance of Bhagawan's name - HH Bharati Teertha Mahaswamigal

#Jagadguru #Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji :

Utterance of Bhagawan's names is the loftiest of all Dharmas. It is suitable for everybody. When #Dharmaraja asked #Bheeshma, "Grandsire, please tell what is the noblest of all Dharmas", this is what Bheeshma replied: एष मे सर्वधर्माणां धर्मोधिकतमो मतः । यद्भक्तया पुण्डरीकाक्षं स्तवैरर्चेन्नरस्सदा ॥ Meditating on the Lord with devotion and uttering His name is the highest of all Dharmas. 

Why so? The other Dharmas require a lot of rules to be followed and involve financial and physical strain. Uttering the Lord's name on the other hand, does not require any of these. It is extremely simple.

It is indeed the Divine Name that can absolve us of many kinds of पाप (sin)

यत्कृत्यं तन्नकृतं यदकृत्यं कृत्यवदाचरितम् ।
उभयोः प्रायश्चित्तं शिव तव नामाक्षरद्वयोच्चरितम् ॥
(That which has been ordained has been neglected. That which has been prohibited has been done by me as if it was ordained. O Lord! It is the chanting of Your name that absolves both these sins)
(From श्रीशरभेश्वरकवचम्)

Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada proclaims the importance of Bhagawan's nama sankirtana when He says,

नारायण करुणामय शरणं करवाणि तावकौ चरणौ ।
इति षट्पदी मदीये वदनसरोजे सदा वसतु ॥

(May the sextet of words "O Compassionate Lord! I surrender at Your Lotus Feet" that resemble a bumblebee always reside in my lotus-like mouth)

Bhagawan Himself has proclaimed, "मद्भक्ताः यत्र गायन्ति तत्र तिष्ठामि नारद" – I reside where devotees sing My glory (From #Padma #Purana)

#Spirituality #Bhakti #Yoga #BhagawadGita #Gita #Shankarachayra #Sringeri #SriSri #Guru #SanatanaDharma #sanatandharma

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