Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Time - The most important thing

What is the most important thing we have?

A Lesson on Time!

In those days, the ashram of Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa was situated on the banks of a river. One morning, he was sitting outside the ashram as usual, and having discussions with his disciples when a hermit came there. He was also a resident of the same village. He was very proud of his knowledge, and had always opposed to Ramakrishna.

Besides, the most important thing was that for past many years, he had been striving to learn the art of walking on water. And that day, he had succeeded. It was in this happiness, that he had come to humiliate Ramakrishna. He had already decided before coming, what he was going to say. So as soon as he came, addressing Ramakrishna in a very stern voice, he asked, "You pose as such a great scholar, but do you know how to walk on water?"

Ramakrishna said in straightforward language, "No my brother, I do not know how to walk on water. But even without this skill, I don't get stuck in any of my work in life. Yes, I am well versed in walking on the ground and that comes handy in my everyday use as well."

On this, the hermit said a little more tautly, "Don't try to hide your weakness behind nice words. Listen to me, I know the art of walking on water." All the disciples present there were shocked at this. But Ramakrishna looked at him with very strange eyes. Moreover, he expressed great curiosity and said simply, "If you really know how to walk on water, show it. We would also like to enjoy this art of yours."

As soon as this was said, the hermit took everyone to the bank of the river. Once there, he actually walked from one end of the river to the other and came back. Everyone was filled with wonder, but unlike everybody else, Swami Ramakrishna looked into his eyes with a big smile. The hermit could not understand what the matter was...no praise, no applause, he just stood there smiling.

That hermit anxiously tried to find out what Ramakrishna found humorous, but Ramakrishna did not give him any answer and instead, immediately asked a boatman nearby, "Brother, will you take me to the other side?"

Now this is what the boatman's job was, he instantly got Ramakrishna aboard the boat and took him around. All the disciples as well as the hermit were shocked by this action of Ramakrishna. But Swami Ramakrishna got down from the boat with great pride and asked that boatman the price for having crossed the river in the boat. The boatman asked for two paise, and Ramakrishna gave him the money. Then he turned, and placing his hand on the hermit's shoulder he said, "Friend! Tell me, how many years did it take you to learn this art?"

He said, "Nearly twenty years!"

Swami Ramakrishna paused for a moment and then said seriously, "You spent twenty precious years of this invaluable life in tireless practice - for learning an art that's worth two paise!"

The hermit went speechless at that moment. There was a lot of noise inside him because the ego was hurt, but outside there was only silence.

Friends, isn't this story of the hermit, our story as well?
"Nothing man, just passing the time," we use these words often!

The most precious thing we all have is this human life, and the most precious thing in this life is the time we have got! We cannot buy a single moment, no matter how much money we have, no matter how much skill we have...the whole game of human life is on time and energy.

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