Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Parable of The Cows and The Scratching Pillar - HH.Sivananda

Parable of The Cows and The Scratching Pillar

Every day in a village the cows used to be taken out for grazing. After grazing for a couple of hours, the cows would gather around the cowherd for their necks to be scratched. The intelligent cowherd had set up a contrivance for this purpose. It was a pillar with a little rough surface. The cows would go to this pillar and scratch their necks to their satisfaction and joy.

Similarly, a Jivanmukta leads many Jivas into the rich pastures of Sadhana for God-realisation. They are not able remain immersed in meditation all the twenty-four hours. The Rajasic temperament manifest itself and they become restless. They crave for satisfaction of this 'nerve-itching' also. Therefore, the Jivanmukta creates an institution. The Jivas get busy with this institution. They get great relief. The Jivanmukta looks on with delight and satisfaction; he remains a blissful Sakshi of this play. He is not attached to the institution which has been created only for the sake of the aspiring souls.

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