Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trying to intervene in a conversation - Read this - Sanskrit sloka

कोलाहले काककुलस्य जाते विराजते कोकिलकूजितं किम्।
परस्परं संवदतां खलानां मौनं विधेयं सततं सुधीभिः॥ 
kolāhale kākakulasya jāte virājate kokilakūjitaṁ kim|
parasparaṁ saṁvadatāṁ khalānāṁ maunaṁ vidheyaṁ satataṁ sudhībhiḥ|| 

Trying to intervene in a conversation, or trying to give views or advice to people who are just arguing aloue vehemently and without any sense, is not right, not proper, and can even prove dangerous to the lone sensible person wo happens to be nearby..

This subhashitam conveys that idea forcefully 

When a large group of crows are making loud discordant and ugly noises, what is the relevance for the song of a cuckoo .
Like that, when evil mouthed ruffians are arguing with one another, the wise men should invariably be silent

काककुलस्य of a group of crows 
कोलाहले in the disorderly din 
जाते happening 
कोकिलकूजितं the sweet song of a cuckoo 
किं विराजते can shine?

परस्परं mutuallyसंवदतां talking aloud arguing 
खलानां ruffians 
मध्ये in the midst 
सुधीभिः by wise people 
मौनं विधेयं silence should be maintained.

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