Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Rules of Jata & Ghana paatha

Courtesy:Sri.Madhav Deshpande

ऋग्भष्यसंग्रहः ---

अनुलोमविलोमाभ्यां  त्रिवारं हि पठेत्क्रमम् ।
विलोमे पदवत्सन्धिः अनुलोमे यथाक्रमम् ॥

 The rule given by the Jaṭālakṣaṇa of Hayagrīva (verse 3, Vedavikr̥tilakṣaṇasaṃgraha, p. 50) says: अभिक्रमे क्रमशास्त्रं प्रधानं स्याद् व्युत्क्रमे व्याकरणं प्रधानम् "In the Abhikrama segments, the rules of Krama are preeminent, while in the Vyutkrama segments the rules of Vyākaraṇa are preeminent."  In Jaṭā, one goes from the Saṃhitā mode of sandhis in the Krama ordered segments to Anārṣa sandhis stipulated by general Vyākaraṇa in the Vyutkrama segments according to the Lakṣaṇagranthas, and the practice of reciters.  You can find more detailed discussion of these shifts from ārṣa to anārṣa grammars in the Jaṭāpāṭha, especially in the context of Śaunakīya Atharvaveda, in the introduction to my book: Recitational Permutations of the Śaunakīya Atharvaveda, Harvard Oriental Series, 2001.  A more concise discussion is available in my attached article about this phenomenon. 


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