Awesome answer
by a kid....
They are
those poor crocodiles who forgot to have
Horlicks when they were young.
What is a Pizza..?
Awesome answer:
A Pizza.. is just a Paratha that went
for higher education
"जीवितकाले एकवारमेव अवकाश:" - उत्तमोदाहरणं किं?
पत्न्याः कपोले उपविशन् मशक:|
What's the best example of "once in a
lifetime opportunity?
A mosquito sitting on your wife's face.:😛
एक: लघुबालक: बस्याने chocolate खादितवान् | एक: अनन्तरम् एक: इति स: खादन् आसीत् |
A little boy was in a bus
eating a chocolate, then he took another one and then another ...
तस्य पार्श्वे उपविशन् महोदय: उक्तवान्- chocolate खादनम् दन्ताणाम् रिष्टि: इति ज्ञातं खलु?
A man next to him said,
"Do you know that too much of it will damage your teeth??"
बालक: उत्तरं अवदिष्यत् - मम पितामह: 132 वय: पर्यन्तं निवसित |
The boy replied,
"My grandfather lived for 132 years"
तत् chocolate खादनेन वा ?
The man asked ,
"Was it because of eating chocolate?"
बालक: उत्तरं अवदिष्यत् - न, स: सदा स्वकार्ये एव अवधानम् अकरोत् |
The boy replied,
No, he was always minding his own business!
पुत्र: श्व: मम विद्यालये किञ्चित् लघु समासन: भविष्यति ?
Son: Dad there's a small get together at school tomorrow !!!
जनक: लघु समासन:,कियत् लघु?Father: small get together.? small
पुत्र: केवलम् अहं,भवान् च प्रचार्य:
Son: only principal ...
Digital India effect...
Digital India परिणाम:
The young boy was suffering from loose motion. He hesitated to say the word loose motion to the doctor. So he explained in new generation style.
अद्यतन बालक: एकदा मलवेगेन दु:खम् अनुभवितवान् | चिकित्सक: समीपे loose motion इति वक्तुं संकोचं अनुभवितवान् |
Doctor.. since morning.. unlimited free outgoing, New ringtones have also started.
No balance in my stomach.
If I recharge, within one minute balance becomes nil. Doc can u pls disconnect the offer!! 😳🙊😀😜
स: उक्तवान् - भो:, प्रात: आरभ्य अपरिमित निश्शुल्क बहिर्गमनं,नव ringtones अपि प्रारब्धं ,
उदरे शेषं नास्ति , यद्यहम् पुन:पूरणम् करोमि तर्हि एक निमिषान्तरमेव परिशिष्टम् शून्यम् भवति | भो:, भवत: उपायनं वियुक्तं कर्तुं शक्नोति वा ?
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