Yad Gopi vadanendu Mandana Mabhuth * Kasturika Patrakam….
Yen Lakshmikuja shata kumba kalashe *, vyakosham Indiwaram…
Yen nirmana vidhana sadana vidhau, sidandhanam yoginam
Tanaha… Shyamalam avirastu nidhaye, Krishna bhidhanam mahaha||1||
Radha mano rama ramavara rasaleela
Gana mrutaika panitam kaviraja Ra…jam
Sri Madhava chana vidhau, anuraaga sadma
Padma…vati priyathamam Pranathosmi nityam ||2||
Sri Gopala vilasini valyatha dattathi mukta kriti –
Sri Radha… pathi, pada Padma bajana nandabdhi, magnonisham
Loke sathka viraja raja etiya:, kyathodiyam bhonidhi:.
Tham vande Jayadeva sadguru maham, Padmavati vallabham…||3||
meghair meduram ambaram vana-bhuvah shyämäs tamäla-drumair:
naktam bhéru rayaàm tvam eva tad imam, rädhe gåham präpaya |
ittham nanda-nideshataha calitayoù praty-adhva-kuïja-drumaà
rädhä-mädhavayor jayanti yamunä-küle rahaù-kelaya: ||1||
The sky is thick with clouds; the forest area is dark with the tamAla trees; the night frightens him (Krishna); Oh RAdha! you take him home; This is the command from Nanda. But, Radha and Madhava stray to the tree on the banks of river Yamuna, and their secret love sport prevails.
padmävati-carana-cärana-cakravarté |
etam karoti jayadeva-kavih prabandham ||2||
The heart of the great poet Sri Jayadeva is like a mansion, beautifully decorated with Goddess of speech (Sarasvati) , who is at the feet of PadmAvati, composes this great work comprising of the divine plays of Shri and VAsudEva. Jayadeva – jaya means "the utmost excellence"; deva means dyotayati, prakäshayati or "he illuminates".SriJayadeva is one who illuminates the utmost excellence of the pastimes ofSri Krishna by his devotion.
yadi hari-smarane sarasam mana:
yadi viläsa-kaläsu kutühalam |
shrunu tadä jayadeva-sarasvatim ||3||
Dear audience! If your mind is permeated by mellows of ever- fresh loving attachment while hearing the pastimes of Sri Hari, and if you are curious to know about his ingenuity in the amorous arts, may you become immersed in bliss by listening to the mellifluous, tender and endearing verses of this collection of songs by the poet Jayadeva.
vacaù pallavayaty umäpatidharah, sandarbha-shuddhim giräà
jänite jayadeva eva sharanah, shläghyo durüha-druteh |
shrungärottara-sat-prameya-racanair:, äcärya-govardhana-
spardhé, ko'pi na vishrutah, srutidharo dhoyi kavi-kshmäpati: ||4||
The rhetoric of an illustrious poet named Umapatidhara is adorned with alliteration and other figures of speech. The poet named Sarana has received acclaim for his cryptic verses. No one has ever heard of a poet who can convey the flavour of worldly romance as skilfully as Govardhana. Kaviraja Dhoyi can recite anything after hearing it but once. When even these formidable poets could not master every field of talent, how could the poetry of Jayadeva abound with all attributes? (by this he expresses his humility )
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