Pithru Karyam in foreign land Please go through the email below carefully and awaiting your valuable comments. It is really Food for Thought !! Subject: Pithru Karyam in foreign land -KANCHI MAHAN Periyava's advice to a rich indian settled in the U.S Once in Sri Kanchi , there were some people standing near periyava to have dharshan & his blessings . A richly looking person in his early 60s , came there with his family. They were all in very costly dress & jewels . When his turn came he sat down on the floor opposite to Periyava (a rope was tied as a fence) . Periyava just looked at him . Rich man started to speak in his Malayalam accent Tamil: " Periyava ! I am in the States for the last 25 years . But , I honestly married our Indian girl & came to India only for that purpose . This is my bharyal (wife ) & these are my puthrans & puthris ! ( sons & daughters) . Though we are in the states we strictly follow our Indian Brahmin traditions & customs only . I perform sandhyavandhanam daily in the morning & evening . See , I don't even miss any annual shraddham ( pithru karma ) of my father & mother . Whatever is required for this purpose I can easily get them from here . I am very much particular about it , you know Periyava ? yes ! ( ekalamana enai petthava nalla paragathi adaiya naan evvalavu venumnalum selavu pannu thayar Periyava ! ) I am ready spend any amount for my late Parents to let them get the good position There in the Heaven . ) Because of two reasons . Firstly they are my Parents who gave me this body . Secondly , I should be the role model to my son , isn't it ? . Then only , he will follow all these & do these karmas to me too in future ? If WE the periyava go in the right direction & create a raja paattai ( Royal path ) surely the next generation too will go in that same right direction smoothly & easily . Pithrukkalai vida osandha periya dheivam yaaru irukka , Periyava ? ( other than the pithrus , which other God is in the higher level than them ) And, Finally , I shall be very happy , atleast if some people learn from me & follow these to show their sense of gratitude to their late parents & pithrus , Periyava ! I am right , isn't it ? What do you say , Periyava ? " All the people standing nearby including the Mutt people , were furiously looking at him b'cos of his ill manners & boasting blabberings. So long Periyava was just looking at the floor with his head down . Now , slowly lifted his head & began to ask him questions " ( nee indha shraddhatthukku samanlam ingerundhu varavazhaikka etthanai selavaradhu ? ) How much it costs to import the required items to perform a shraddham there ? Looking around very proudly , he said some amount in dollars & the equivalent Indian rupees , in his manner . Periyava " Oh! It costs that much ? I didn't think it would cost that much ! What about the shraddha manthras & a purohith to conduct it ? " " That's not a big thing at all Periyava . Nowadays science has grown much. And I take advantage of it for such good reasons only . There is one instrument called tape recorder & cassettes . I recorded all the manthras through my permanent family purohith at my home here . And use it while I perform the shraddha there. Mansirundha margam undunnu solluva, illiya ? ( they say that if there is will , there is a way , isn't it ? ) Periyava: " Oh ! So there is a way like this to perform the shraddha scientifically too ! " " Saraiyaach chonnel Periyava ! " Periyava: " To come here & go back to YOUR States , how much it costs , each time ?" Then , he replied elaborately about the different plane fares & other costly expenses & said finally " But , I always come & go back in executive class only For the reason to avoid some unwanted elements of the lower class passengers who will take advantage to move with us equally , & sometimes , it will become dangerous too to the people like me. Periyava: " Do you visit India every year & when ? " " Oh ! That I can't say , Periyava . Because , both officially & un officially I visit here . When I visit officially I come alone . But every year unofficially visiting India during the Christmas Holidays there & also during the Navarathri season without fail. For navarathri I come with my full family, because of 2 reasons . Modhalle, andha Ambal, Lokamatha, ellathaiyum aattip padaikira Akilaanda koti nakai illainna indha lokam edhu? (Firstly, if that Super most power is not there , then how can this World will be there ? ") Secondly, to create intimacy & affection with these religious functions & festivals & to understand their value , I bring my children here . Money is not the only criteria in life . These types of good characters must be absorbed by them to become the best citizen in future . Periyava:" " So , you earn plenty there & spend lavishly only to bring up your children properly & to satisfy your pithrus ! And, you have a good chance of coming to India both officially & unofficially. From the way you explained here , I can understand that , you are meeting the particular relatives only to suit your ' standard ', because you want to avoid unnecessary low level people to take advantage to come near you ! (Now the other people's face became bright with smiles as they had understood where Periyava's talk is leading to ! On the contrary , the rich man's group began to make curves in their bodies . The main person was simply staring at Periyava to avoid others' eyes. ) You can spend any amount to import anything required from here to perform the pithrukaryams there only to suit your convenience. And, who advised you to do all this pithrukaryams there? How will they be able to take their pindams offered by you there in that para desa (foreign) bhoomi? They can & are allowed to accept the pindams & the monthly therthams (new moon Tharppanam) & Mahalaya tharppanams & shraddhams in this Bharatha punya bhoomi only. That's all the more reasons that we, the Indians Brahmins are refrained from crossing the sea/going abroad. These pithru karmas are done to get their blessings & for the welfare of our family & the future generation too. Yes! You are right in saying that there is no dheivam superior than the pithrus. Each time, when you did the shraddha there, they all came there eagerly & hungrily too to receive the pindams & to bless you all . On the contrary, they couldn't do so & had to return back with empty stomach & cursing you all in all these years . You are able to programme well in advance to come to India to celebrate the Super most power during the Navarathri . And, you thought it was colossal waste to visit India to perform the Pithrukaryam alone Now , all your poor pithrus are awaiting here eagerly & very hungrily to receive your pindams & therthams . Immediately tell your family shasthri to perform the pithru karmas for all these 25 years in one shraddha at the right place convenient to you & him . The pithrus will be very happy at this & bless you all . The rich man's ego disappeared & with tears rolling down his cheeks fell at feet of the Real Guru/God who was smiling and happily & blessing them all . The rich man got up & said in a crying tone & flapping his cheeks " Mahaperiyava , En dheivame . en kannaith thirandhuttel . ( O! my God . you have opened my eyes . ) thappup pannitten , Maha thappup pannnitten Periyava . ( I have done blunder ) Ippove poyi Periyava uttharavuppadi itthanai varusha shraddhatthaiyum kandippa seyyaren . ( immediately I shall certainly perform the shraddha of all these years' balance as per the order of Periyava . ) Enga ellaraiyum Periava periya mansudan mannicchu prasadham tharanunun vendikkiren ! idhukku mela enakku onnum sollath theriyale . ! " ( I request that periyava should forgive us all with great karuna & give us prasadham . I don't want more to say ) . Periyava gave them the prasadham of fruits kalkandu kumkum flower and a blouse bit to his wife & said. (Ellarum madatthula aaharam pannittu ambalaiyum darsanam pannittu pogalam. shraddhamlam pannittup oorukkup poradhukku munnadi vandhuttup po) All of you have your meals here in the mutt & visit the Kamakshi temple & proceed. After finishing with the pithru karma, before returning back to your country , visit here again & go ) ellarum shemama iruppel ! ( all of you will be very much alright ) & lifted His palms to them & others too & blessed with His eternal & divine smile ! The rich man & his family again did a sashtaanga namaskaram saying " adhudhan Periyava venum , adhudhan venum ! ) That's why we want Periyava ) & slowly went back with bright faces . The man with full of ego and who spoke about him in volumes to Periyava, says " I don't what to say more you have opened my eyes . " Who else can advise so eternally to such a person without wounding his heart & to realize his great blunder for 25 years to his pithrus ? Further how beautifully HE had got him the blessings of his pithrus too to relieve him from the permanent curse too . Oh ! splendid . Nobody in the world would have tolerated this much lorry load of ego & correct him too in such a mild manner & bless him also !!! This is the foremost lesson we all should learn from our GURU ! JAYA JAYA SANKARA HARA HARA SANKARA
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