Pithru Yagna
Shannavathi Sraaddha
Sacred scripts prescribed several modes of Pithru Yagna like Sraaddha; Tharpana; Paksha Sraaddha; Theertha/Kshethra Sraaddha. While all are prescribed to be performed, Pithru tharpana is the easiest one that can be performed without the requirement of a Purohit, if only one has the zeal, sincerity and devotion to learn its procedure. Apart from performing daily Pithru tharpana (Jala tharpana) as a part of Brahma Yajna; scripts have prescribed Pithru Tharpana (Thila tharpana) on 96 specific days in a year called Shannavathi which is considered as a nithya karma. Shannavathi is a Sanskrit word meaning ninety six. These...
96 specific days are as follows...
- 14 Manvanthara (Manvaadi)
- 04 Yugaadi days (Krutha/Thretha/Dwapara/Kali Yuga)
- 12 Sankramana (Sun's transit days)
- 12 Amaavaasya days (Darsha)
- 15 Mahalaya Paksha (Bhadrapada Masam)
- 12 Vyatheepatha Yoga days
- 12 Vaidruthi Yoga days
- 05 Poorvedyu days
- 05 Ashtaka days
- 05 Anvashtaka days
On all the above days one who is eligible to perform Pithru tharpana should offer Thila Tharpana with proper sankalpa to his forefathers with black sesame seeds and water except during Mahalaya Paksha when, one is required to perform a regular Sraaddha also along with Thila Tharapna as per the laid down procedure. It is said that by performing Shannavathi sraaddha, Pithrus gets pleased for 2000 years.
Apart from the above, one should also offer Thila Tharpana to forefathers during Parvakaala viz. on Eclipse (Grahana) days (Surya and Chandra Grahana); on the days of Uttaraayana and Dakshinaayana; on the days of Ardhodhaya and Mahodaya. One has to refer to the Panchanga to know the exact days of their occurrence.
If any of the above mentioned Shannavathi (96) days are coinciding with the days of Parvakala, Tharpana need not be given twice as the later one (Parvakala) supersedes the former in the ascending order of Amavaasya, Uttarayana/Dakshinayana, Eclipse (Grahana), Ardhodhaya/Mahodaya in order of importance. Vyatheepatha Yoga during Dhanurmasam is said to be equivalent to 1000 Ardhodhaya in terms of merits. If any of the above mentioned 96 days excluding Amaavaasya; Poorvedyu; Ashtaka; Anvashtaka falls on Ekaadasi day, tharpana should not be performed.
Pithru Yagna (performing sacred rites to forefathers) is one of the best traditions of Hindu philosophy that is being followed since Vedic days. Having taken birth on this sacred and celestial Karma Bhoomi Bharatha, it becomes an ardent duty and responsibility of a son to perform Pithru Yagna. It is considered as the best way to get discharged from Pithru Runa by performing Pithru Yagna as long as one is alive.
Manvantharas (Manvaadi) are...
Swayambhuva, Swarochisha, Outtama, Tamasa, Raivatha, Chakshuva, Vaivaswatha, Savarni, Daksha Savarni, Brahma Savarni, Dharma Savarni, Rudra Savarni, Deva Savarni, and Indra Savarni.
Fourteen (14) Manvaadi days as per lunar calendar are as follows...
- Chaitra Sukla Thrutheeya and Pournami -2
- Jyesta Sukla Pournami –1
- Aashada Sukla Dasami and Pournami –2
- Sraavana Bahula Ashtami -1
- Bhaadrapada Sukla Thrutheeya -1
- Aaswayuja Sukla Navami -1
- Kaartheeka Sukla Dwadasi, Pournami -2
- Pushya Sukla Ekadasi -1
- Maagha Sukla Sapthami -1
- Phalguna Sukla Pournami, Amaavaasya -2
- Vaisakha Sukla thrutheeya (Thretha Yugaadi)
- Bhaadrapada Bahula Trayodasi (Kali Yugaadi)
- Kaartheeka Sukla Navami (Krutha Yugaadi)
- Maagha Bahula Amaavasya (Dwapara Yugaadi)
Ashtaka days are... five (5) Ashtami thithi days in Bahula paksha (dark fortnight) of the lunar months Bhaadrapada, Maargasira, Pushya, Maagha and Phalguna.
Anvashtaka days are... five (5) Navami thithi days in Bahula paksha (dark fortnight) of the lunar months Bhaadrapada, Maargasira, Pushya, Maagha and Phalguna.
Ardhodhaya is considered to be a very sacred day; a parvakala that occurs very rarely which is more meritorious than an eclipse.A day is considered as Ardhodhaya when it is coinciding with Sunday associated with Amaavaasya + Sravana Nakshatra + Vyatheepatha Yoga + lunar month of Pushya or Maagha. When any one of the conditions is missing it is known as Mahodaya but still sacred and meritorious.
Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu
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