Shraaddha Shabdaartha: Pretaan Pitrunapyuddhishya bhojyam yatpriyamaatmanah, Shraddhayaa deeyatey yattu tacchaadram parikeertiyam/ That was how Marichi Maharshi defined the shabda of Shraaddha. Pitraadinmrutaanuddhishya vihitey kaaley deshey Pakkannaamaanna hiranyaananyata mudrayasya vidhaanaa daanam Shraaddham/ (Shraddha is denoted as the offerings to a dead parent at the prescribed time of death by way of Cooked rice and Suvarna- Dravya daana). Homascha Pinda daanam cha tathaa Brahmana Bhojanam, Shraddha shabdaadidheyam syaadekaminnoupachaarikam/ (In this Karma, the significant parts are Agnoukarana, Pinda daana and Brahmana Bhojana. These are the integral and formal parts). Even if there is some deficiency of Sankalpa Vidhi and Pinda Daanas, Bhojanaadis are indeed the essentials. Brahmanaarchana is very important to Rigvedis, Pinda Daana is essential to Yajurvedis and Saama Vedis. In any case : Ashraddhayaa Pitaro nasanteeti matwaa Shraddha kurvaanasya riktam Pitarah pibanti/ (Those who have Naastika Buddhi and Ashraddha or dis-belief and intolerance ignoring the Shraaddha Karma would be targetted by Pitru Devatas by drinking their blood eventually!) Shraaddha Bhedas: Shraddhas are of four types: Paarvana, Ekoddhishta, Naandi Shraaddha and Sapindeekarana. The Paarvana vidhis are of three categories: One is performed to the dead father-mother etc. called Pratyaabda or done on the Tithi annually and this involves only one Paarvana; those which are performed on Amaavasayaadis of ninety six times a year as Nitya Shraddhaas as also of Mahalaya and Anvashtaka Shraddhaas involve two Parvanas since they are addressed to Sapatneeka Pitaadis and Sapatneeka Maataadis; and the Third Parnava is for those involving Sapatneeka Mataa mahaadis. Ekoddhishta:This has one 'Uddeshya'( target) of one Pinda only.This is of three kinds viz. Nava Sanjnaka, Nava Mishra Sanjnaka and Purana Sanjnaka. The Nava Sanjnaka or Ahnika Shraddha is as per the count of the day of death to that of the Tenth and thus called the Nava Sanjnaka / Ahnika Ekoddhishta; the Nava Mishra Sanjnika or Ahnika as per the count from the Ekadasha to the Nunaabda Paryanta is called Nava Mishraka /Ahnika Ekoddhishta; this is without Vishvadeva. The Purana Sanjnaka Shraadda is in reference to the younger brother's death by Shastras and is held on the Chaturdashi Tithi of the death by way of Ekoddhista nature. Some call it 'Sapindaananta Parvana Purana Sanjnaka'. Nandi Shraaddha: This is performed on the auspicious occasions of Putra Janma, Vivaahaas etc. and is called Vriddhi Shraaddha. This is also performed in connection with Pumsavana- Seemantaas, Aadhaana and Soma Yaga and such other Karmaanga or Ishti Shraddhaas in which Kratu Daksha Sanjnikaas are Vaishva Devas; this is of Vriddhi Sanjnaka in which Satya and Vasu Vishvedevaas. In this, one has Parvana Trayaas. This is because of another reason viz. that on the twelfth day of the dead one has to perform Arghya and Sapindeekarana and here too there would be Shraddha by way of Parvana and Ekoddhishta. Now to three kinds of Shraddhaas,viz. Nittya-Naimittika-Kaamyaas. Nitya is a daily routine and in this case Parvana Dwaya and Vishva devas are not involved as explained above. The Naimittika Shraddha is what is performed at the Solar and Lunar Eclipses and this involves Shad Devatas; and the Kaamya Shraddha is what is peformed out of volition and desire seeking a benefit like the Vratas on the Panchamis and in the Nakshatras like Krittika.Shraaddha Deshaas:Shraddhas are to be performed in the Dakshina Disha on a clean, cow dung washed, and without unclean material like worms, hair, bones and other doshas. This could preferably be done in Tirtha Pradeshaas like Kuru Kshektra, Prabhasa, Pushkara, Prayaga, Kashi, Ganga, Yamuna, Narmadaanadi Teeraas; Naimisha Vana, Ganga Dwara, Gaya Seersha, Akshaya Vata and such illustriuous Places. It is stated: Shamipatra pramaanena Pindamdayadgayaa shirey, Uddareytsapta gotraani Kulamekottaram shatam/ (In Gaya, even if a small Shami-Patra sized Pinda is given away Seven Generations-full of Pitrus would get liberated!) Pitaa Maaaaaatacha Bharyaacha Bhagini Duhitaa tathaa, Pitru Maatrushvasaa chaiva Sapta Gotraanivai Viduh/ (The Seven Gotraas of Father, Mother, Sister, Aunt and Mother's Sister are of Sapta Gotras; once counted, these Gotras respectively consitute twenty four, twenty, sixteen, twelve, eleven, ten, and eight male members totalling one hundred and one and indeed all these would be liberated. Of these, the members of the Pitru Kula would be twenty four ie twelve of them in the Poorva and another twelve in the Paraa generations! Moreso: Tulasi kaanaanacchaayaa Shaalagraaasya Sannidhih, Chakraanchitasya Saannidhyameshu yatkriyatey Nareh/ Snaanam Daanam Tapah Shraaddham Sarvamakshayyataam vrajet/ (The cool shades of Tulasi Gardens, the propitious Manifestation of Shalagrama Shilas signifying Bhagavan Himself, and the Presence of Chakraankita, besides the countless Snaana-Daana-Tapa and Shraddha Karmas would indeed bestow an Endless Auspiciousness!) Such indeed is the Signficance of Shraaddhas! ShraaddhaNishiddha Desha-Kaalaas: Places occupied by Cows, Horses, Elephants and other animals or where Persons like Mlecchaas visit frequently are certainly prohibited to perform Shraaddhas. If performed in other's houses, then the Pitruganas of that house would claim part of the Phala. If need be, the house owner be given compensation before hand. Forests, mountains, River Beds, Siddha Grihaas, Caves and such uninhabited Places are convenient for the purpose. Shraddha should never be performed with Eka Vastra, or Jala Madhya, or in a House Top; in fact any Karma involving Shruti-Smriti Karyas are forbidden in such circumstances. As regards the ShraaddhaTimings, it is well known and as mentioned in the previous pages, the appropriate Shraaddha Kaalaas include Amavasyas, Sankrantis, Yugaadis, Manvaadis, and Mahalayaas; additionally the following are being added: Maha Tirthas, Vyatipata Yoga, Chandra-Surya Grahana Dinaas, availability of Shrotriya and Pandita Brahmanas, Ardhodaya, Kapila Shashthi, Alabhya Yogaas, Graha peeda, Dusswapna darshana, Navaanna Praapti Dina, Nutana Jala Labhyata and such other Nimitta-Shraddha Kaalaas. Shraaddhaas in the PadmaYoga or the time-junction of Vishti- Vyatipaata-Ravi -Vaaraas are stated to be more fruitful-ie. four times more- than even Uttaraayana Kaala Karyas. In fact, Sharaaddhaas are to be observed in every Krishna Paksha; one view is that in the Paksha, Shraddha be done daily; others say Panchami onward Shraddha Karma is fruitful; another view is that in the Krishna Paksha at least on Darsha Shradda be done. Darsha Shraaddha:In the event of inability of performing Darsha Shraaddha every day in the month, it may be done at least on the days when Surya is not present in Kumbha-Kanya-Vrisha ie on three days, at least without Homaagni and with Pinda Pitru Yagna; in that way, only Brahmana Bhojana and dhana- dhanya daanas are required. Further, in Krishna Pakshaas in a year, Mahalaya Paksha is stated to be of far reaching significance. In this connection, attention on Mahalaya Pakshas in the Bhadrapada Maasa be drawn in the previous pages of the Dwiteeya Pariccheda of this very Script). If during the fifteen day period of Mahalayas, be there an occurrence of Ashoucha unfortunately, there might be a Mahalaya Viphalata or failure. Hence, after the Ashoucha period and of Shuddhi, even one day's Mahalaya Shraddha be observed. Likewise, if there is inability to observe the Mahalaya Paksha Shraaddhas from Panchami onward due to any reason, one could perform the Shraddhas through a representative rather than fully losing the opportunity of a Year! In the event of a dead paternal uncle or elder brother having no sons, it would be opportune that during the Mrita Tithis of the concerned departed ones, Mahalaya Shraddhaas be performed by assuming the role of a Jeeva Pitra and offering a Paarvana only. Also one could perform Shraddhas on any of the twelve Purnimas occuring in a Year, especially the Maagha, Shaavana, Bhadrapadaas. Also, Shraddhas could be executed on any Krishna Praatipadaas or during Krittika upto Bharani days, or during Vishkam -bhaadi Yogas or during 'Babaadi' Karanaas. Thus several Maasa-Paksha-Dina-Nakshatra Yogas are among the fruitful timings to perform Shraddhaas, provided one's desire and determination is assured! Shraaddha Brahmana Sankhya: While the requirement of Brahmanas might be nine ( Two to represent Vishva Devas+ three for the representation of Pitru Devas of three generations + four for Pitru Parvanas), there might be a dispensation of three Brahmanas minimum in view of the following viz. Satkriyaam Desha Kaalou cha drayva Braahmana sampadam, Shoucham cha vistaaro hanti, Iti Pakshye Ashaktou vaa Devai Ekah Pitru parvaney chaika iti Dwou Viprou/ (Keeping in view the Satkara, Desha, Kaala, Dravya, availability of Brahmanas and limitations of Shoucha, there could be one in Deva Sthaana and one for Pitru Sthana). Bhagavata Purana also confirmed as follows: Dwou Daivey Pitru karye Tri nekaikamubhayatravaa, Bhojayetsusamruddhyopi na kuryaacchaadra vistaram/ (Representation of Vishwa Devaas could be two or one, and for Pitru Parvana one might replace three Brahmanas; even if a Karta could afford, one should not extend it beyond). 'Vishwa Devaartha dwaya' Brahmanas be seated Purvamukha and the Pitru Parvanas as Uttaraamukha and offer the Anna to Agni meant for Vishwadevaas.For Pitru Parvana, one Vipra is adequate. In case of the limitation of Brahmanas, then Brahmacharis wearing Kushas might state 'Presha' and once the reply of Anupresha is secured from the Brahmanas, then Bramahmacharis might as well participate in the Shraaddha proceedings further till the end. Thus the problem of Brahmana Sankyha could be overcome. Having made the selection, the Karta addresses the Brhmanas as follows: Akrodhanai ssoucha paraissatatam Brahma vaadibhih, Bhavitavyam bhavadbhis chamaya cha Shraaddha kaarinaa/ (Hey Brahmanas! As I should be, you too should kindly be with maximum cleanliness and more importantly, without anger and peacefulness in the various Karyaas ahead). Some basic precautions in the Shraddhas:While performing Archana to Vaishwadevas, the Karta has to bend his knee and at the Pitru Sthaana the left knee. All concerned Daiva Kriyas are to be performed with 'Pradakshina' from left to right and the Pitru Karyas with 'Apradikshina'. Darbhas being given at the Pitru Sthaana be so done that they are in twos that too twisted, while in Deva Sthana there is no need for doing the twist of darbhas. While leaving water at the Deva Sthaana the Karta should be 'Uttaraabhimukha' or facing the North but at the Pitru Sthaana he should be 'Dakshinaamukha'. While making Sankalpa, offering Padya-Asana- Avahana-Arghyadaana- and Aacchaadana viz. the Panchopachaaras to Pitra Devatas as also at Anna daana-Pinda daana-Anjanaabhyanjana, Akhshaya Vaachaka and Swadhaa Vachana, the Karta has to state the Pitra Sambandha-Gotra –Namas clearly and separately in respect of the generations; Sakaarena tu vaktavyam gotram sarvatra dheemata/ Hence the Karta would have to utter as example: Haridasa Gotra/ In respect of Brahmanas the suffix of Sharma be added to the concerned name of the Pitras.If the Karta does not remember the names of the further generations at least the 'Uccharana'of Pitru-Patamaha-Prapitamahadesignations be stated clearly. In respect of Ashwalaayanaas the concerned three generations are given as Prithivishat-Antarikshasat-Divishat/ In the case of Strees the suffixes to the concerned names are Savitri Da-Devidaa-Devidaa again. It is stated that the Shraaddha Karmas are fructified only when the Uccharanaas of the concerned Pitras are given with not only the name but also with Vibhakti Niyamaas.The Nirnaya is as follows: Shashti vibhaktyaa Sankalpah Kshaanaaschakashayya Karmacha, Shasthyaa vaasyaccaturthyaa vaasana daanaam Dwijataye/ Dwiteeyayataya vavaahanamsyaadwi Baktistu Chaturthikaa, Anna Daaney Pinda puja Swadaa swastiti Vaachaney/Pinda daaney tu Sambuddhiryechatvettetwaaditah puraa, Tatah Param Chaturdhicheytyubhayam Sarva sammatam/ Sheshaani Sarva Karmaani sambuddhyam tairyadha -ayudham, Idantey Idamvovaa prayujjaaiva samaacharet/ ( Shashthi Vibhakti is used in respect of Sankalpas and Kshana and Akshya Karmas; Chaturthi Vibhakti is used for Asanaa and other Services; Dwiteeya Vibhakti for Avaahana; Chaturthi Vibhakti is used in Anna daana, Pinda Puja, Swadhaa Vachana and Swasti Vachana. In the case of Pinda Daana Sambuddhi, the Prathma Vibhakti is used before the expression of Ye cha twaa and that would be followed by the Chaturthi Vibhakti. In case of other Karyas, the concerened Services would be as per the exigency stating :Sambudhyam etc.Daivaardha Kriyas are offered in Savya Position of the Upaveeta, but the Pitru Karyas with 'Anupaveeta' or 'Praacheenaaveeti' position.However, all the tasks intended for Vipraas are to be performed in the Savya position only. Savyena Daivam kramasyaadapasavyena Paitrukam, Vipra pradakshinam Vipra Swaagatam chaarghyadaanakam/ Suktastotra japonnasya Paatreshu pariveshanam, Aahwaanamanna syaaghraanam tathaa cha Swasti Vaachanam/ Taambula Daana maaabhyaa Samaapteyriti Paitrukam, Pradakshinaadyetaduktam Savyenaivasamaacharet/ ( While all the Deva Karyaas are to be executed in the Upaveeta position, the Paitru Karyas are in Anupaveeta position. But all the Pitru Karyas addressed to Brahmanas right from Pradakshina-Swagata-Arghya daana-Anna Sukta Stotra Japa-Patrapariveshana-Aahvaana- Anna Ghraana-Swasti Vaachana- and Taamboola Daana should be performed in Savya itself. A few other precautions in the Shraaddhas are that while doing 'Pitraadyarchana' the Karta has to commence the Archana from the head to shoulders to knees to feet where as the 'Devaarchana' should be the other way round ie. from feet to knees to shoulders to head. All the Pitru Kriyas -excepting Akshayya, Aasana, and Arghya Daana- are required to be done with 'Swadha Shabda'; in the case of Deva Pujas or oblations, the Swaha Shabda should be resounding! Yet another requirement is that Deva Tirtha is to be offered to Vaishwa Devas, while Pitru Tirtha is provided to Pitraadikas. |
Place of good things . . . If an egg is broken by an outside force, a life ends. If it breaks from within, a life begins. Great things always begin from within.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Shraadha Prakaranam
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