Friday, November 27, 2015

Kayaa Hi Pandhari Aathma Haa Vittala - Sant Eknath Abhang




We are glad to share the Abhang of Sant Eknath "Kayaa Hi Pandhari Aathma Haa Vittala"

In this Abhang Eknath says His Body is Pandhari, His Soul is Vittal and only Panduranga dwells inside him. With faith and devotion he has offered all his senses to Lord Vittala. He finally concludes that he see the sanctity of Pandhari in Himself, in all human beings and in all surroundings and that is the place of pilgrimage inside us.

Lets see the Lord everywhere and take the pilgrimage today.

Come join the Varkari by hearing this divine Abhang sung by Pandit Bhimsen Joshi.

Happy Navratra to all.

Humble Pranams

Anand Vasudevan
18th Oct 2015

Kaya Hi Pandhari - Sant Eknath

काया ही पंढरी आत्मा हा विठ्ठल ।
नांदतो केवळ पांडुरंग ॥१॥

Kayaa Hi Pandhari Aathma Haa Vittala
Naandhatho Kevala Paanduranga

My body is Pandhari and my soul is Vittal.
Only Panduranga dwells inside me.

भाव-भक्ति भीमा उदक ते वाहे ।
बरवा शोभताहे पांडुरंग ॥२॥

Bhaav Bhakthi Bheema Udhak They Vaahe
Baravaa Shobhathaahe Paanduranga

My faith and devotion in Panduranga is like flowing water of Bheema river. 

दया क्षमा शांती हेंचि वाळुवंट ।
मिळालासे थाट वैष्णवांचा ॥३॥

Dhayaa Kshamaa Shaanthi Hechi Vaaluvanta
Milaalaase Thaata Vaishnavaanchaa

Compassion, Forgiveness and Peace in our heart is like gathering of Vaishnavites in the sands of Chandra Bhaga river.

ज्ञान ध्यान पूजा विवेक आनंद ।
हाचि वेणुनाद शोभतसे ॥४॥

Jnaana Dhyaana Poojaa Viveka Aaanandha
Haachi Venunaadha Shobhathase

Awareness, Meditation, Prayer and Prudence is my happiness like notes emanating from Krishna's flute.

दश इंद्रियांचा एक मेळ केला ।
ऐसा गोपाळकाला होत असे ॥५॥

Dasha Indriyaancha Eka Mela Kelaa
Aisaa Gopaalkaalaa Hotha Ase

I have gathered all ten of my organs of senses (five Jnanendriyas) and of actions (Karmendriyas) that is my offering to the Lord.

देखिली पंढरी देहीं-जनी-वनीं ।
एका जनार्दनी वारी करी ॥६॥

Dhekhili Pandhari Dehi Jani Vani
Eka Janardhani Vaari Kari

Eknath says, i see the sanctity of Pandhari in Myself, in People and in all surroundings. That is the place of pilgrimage inside us.

Here is the link to hear the Abhang sung by 

Pandit Bimsen Joshi

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