Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Impractical Baby names in Sanskrit

Courtesy:Sri.Arvind Kolhatkar & HN.Bhat

I have always said that people tend to choose, create or invent names that sound 'ethnic' and 'traditional' without bothering to check if their concocted name has any meaning or not.  This can sometimes lead to hilarious results.

Here is the website of someone whose name is - can you believe it - 'श्लेष्मा'!

m. [श्लिष्-मनिन्] Phlegmatic 

as per Apte's Dictionary.

 New-born girls are routinely named  'वृषाली' without realizing that this name does not have a very complimentary meaning.

As Sanskrit name वृषली has got several meaning of choice:

ī), f. a woman of low caste; 
an unmarried girl twelve years old (in whom menstruation has commenced); 
a woman during menstruation; 
a barren woman; the mother of a still-born child. 

But वृषाली would give give more uglier / vulgar meaning as in

"वृषस्यन्ती तु कामुकी"


The same is the case with मुकेश.  There is no word in the Sanskrit language like 'मुक'.  You have मूक, you also have  मुख, but no 'मुक'.  Consequently, , मुक + ईश is meaningless, though because of the 'ईश' ending it sounds like good old Sanskrit.

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