Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Humour in Gita

Courtesy:Sri.Arvind Kolhatkar

This anecdote belongs to the pre-independence days of princely
states.  A learned professor had written an erudite book on the
भगवद्गीता and, as was the practice in those days, was trying to find a
patron to finance its publication.  In that quest, he reached the
court of a small princely state in Maharashtra.  The learned professor
explained to the Raja how his work was very beneficial to the public
and how it deserved support of the Raja.  No matter how he tried, the
Raja would not bless the proposal.

The professor knew that the Raja had a particular enmity towards
another grandee in his court by the name Mohite.  As the last gambit,
he decided to play the Mohite card and said to the Raja, "Maharaj, do
you know that भगवद्गीता does not like your Mohite?"
"How so?"
"It says so plainly in chapter 7, Maharaj!"
"What does it say?"
"It says clearly in chapter 7
त्रिभिर्गुणमयैर्भावैरेभिः सर्वमिदं जगत्।
मोहितं नाभिजानाति मामेभ्यः परमव्ययम्॥
मोहितं नाभिजानाति, it says, I do not recognize that rascal Mohite."

"Oh, it must be an excellent book.  Diwanji, please see to it that the
Professor is given enough money to have the book published."

Thus भगवद्गीता got the patronage of that Raja who bought the entire
stock of the printed copies for free distribution to schools in his

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