Monday, August 24, 2015

Varalakshmi Vrat (28-Aug-2015) - Svarna Mahalakshmi Trishati

Courtesy:Sri.K.Muralidharan Iyengar

Dear All,

Greetings and Namaste. As Varalakshmi Vrat falls on Friday next week (28-Aug-2015), I am happy to share a rare 300 names of Svarna Mahalakshmi in Namavali form. The source of this hymn is unknown and I had transliterated from a Tamil Magazine. It is always a bit risky to transliterate from Tamil source as they don't contain numbered consonants and words are split/joined incorrectly - I have tried my best but I have doubts on a few names.

Though there are innumerable stutis on Devi in purans, specific stutis on Lakshmi and Sarasvati are not that many as most of the don't differentiate among the Devi forms of the Trinity and treat them as one. The classic example is Durga Saptashati where Devi is praised on all 3 forms. This message is confirmed by Trinity themselves in countless number of places across all Puranas and I had endeavored to cite these in my postings over the last few years. At the surface level, some of the message are seemingly contradictory - for example, Pradhaneeka Rahasyam mentions that Lakshmi is the origin of universe and everything else originated from her, in some purans, Shiva or Vishnu or Brahma are claimed to be the origin. But they always conclude that these are not different entities - just forms of the same and one and only Entity, the Brahman.

We have seen that Varaha Purana, though considered a Vaishnavite Purana, confirms that Shiva indeed is Vishnu and Lakshmi indeed is Gauri. In Padma Purana, Vishnu himself claims that Vishnu is one of the 4 forms of Shakti (we have seen that before). In Gayatri Stotram in Devi Bhagavatam, Lord Narayana describes Gayatri as the Adishakti which is called in different names as consort of different forms (Durga, Lakshmi, Sarasvati, etc). Innumerable are such citations - and it does not matter what color the Purana is painted with (Brahmite, Vaishnavite, Shaivite). Let us see another one from Skanda Purana, Prabhasa Khanda, Chapter 3, Verses 54-86 where Lord Shiva explains Goddess Parvati how they assume different names in different contexts:

ahaM te hRRidaye gaurI tvaM ca me hRRidi saMsthitA | ahaM bhrAtA ca putrashca bandhur bhartA tathaiva ca ||
tvaM tu me bhaginI bhAryA druhitA bAndhavI snuShA | ahaM yaGYapatir yajvA tvaM ca Shraddha sadaxiNA ||
puruSho.ahaM varArohe prakRRitis tvaM vigadyase | ahaM viShNur mahAvIryas tvaM laxmIr loka-bhAvinI ||
ahaM indro mahAtejAH prAcI tvaM parameshvarI | prajApatInAM rUpeNa sarvamAhaM vyavasthitaH ||
krIDami krIDayA devI tvayA sArddhaM varAnane | tvaM dhRRitir dhAriNI laxmIH kAntA mat prakRRitir dhruvam ||

(Essence : I am the heart and you (Devi) are seated in the heart. I am indeed brother, son, relative, husband etc and you are sister, wife, etc. .. I am the Purusha and you are Prakriti. I am Vishnu and you are Lakshmi. I pervade everything in the form of Prajapati. With you I play this game ....) This is a long hymn spanning 2 pages.

May Goddess Lakshmi shower you with all forms of Dhanas (wealth) and May We surrender ourselves to ShrIH !

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