Monday, August 31, 2015



Dear All,

As I said earlier, the working on volume 3 is taking more time.  Though this work is in progress, I have attempted to work, side by side, on the Dasama Skandham (the 10th Volume ) of Srimad Bhagavatam also.  Here is the first chapter of this highly devotional part of Srimad Bhagavatam out of the 10th Volume.


The tenth volume of Srimad Bhagavatam, popularly known as the Dasama Skandam, is central to the entire scripture of Srimad Bhagavatam itself.  Though each and every stanza in the entire work of this great scripture conveys deep meaning and content and directly links to the Vedas, generating in serious readers and listeners intrinsic devotion towards Shri Hari, this Dasama Skandam is uppermost in any devotee's mind as it deals with the manifestation of Shri Krishna on this earth in human form and explains in detail all about his deeds and pastimes.

Chapter 1 is eloquent with the cause factors for Shri Krishna to take the form of a human in this world.  Through the first 13 stanzas King Pareekshit conveys to Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi as to his curiosity in knowing the complete details about Shri Krishna's deeds.  Thereafter, Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi, from the 15th stanza onwards starts explaining as to the cause factor for which Shri Krishna had to take birth in human form.  

Carrying it forward Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi explains to the King as to the plight of the mother earth which was overburdened and tortured by the bad activities of the demon kings.  The mother earth approaches Lord Brahma with her grievances.  Lord Brahma, along with all the demiGods and Lord Siva approaches Shri Hari and praises Him with Vedic hymns known as the Purusha Suktam.  In the meantime, Lord Brahma, through His meditation, realized that Shri Hari was already in know of the plights of the mother earth and He is going to manifest on the earth to eradicate the evils and relieve the earth of her burden.

The story starts from Stanza 27 onwards as to how Surasena, the great king of Yadavs, was ruling from Mathura Puri.  Then comes the marriage of Vasudeva and Devaki, their departure from Mathura on chariot to their home, the intervention of Kamsa, the brother of Devaki, upon hearing from the words from the sky regarding the danger to his life from the progeny of Devaki.  What follows, thereafter, is the imprisonment of Vasudeva and Devaki by Kamsa, his taking over the reins of the Kingdom from his father Ugrasena etc. etc.

The highest philosophical contents are conveyed through the words of Vasudeva to Kamsa in the Stanzas 37 to 45 as to how the life forms discard the present old bodies and accept the new bodies.  This apart, the importance of the fallout of the deeds taking shape into the right form of life in the ensuing births are well explained.

The concluding portions of this chapter conveys to us as to how, even the greatest and the most powerful persons, succumb to the fear factor if he/she goes on doing troubles to others.  The position of Kamsa, ingrained in the fear factor has been well presented.  The best way to understand all these concepts is to go through the meanings of this chapter stanza by stanza as that would be more appropriate rather than explanations of any amount on these matters.

To enable you to proceed straight to the Chapter 1 I am providing the necessary link:

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