Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Katha Upanisad Chapter Five


Katha Upanisad 

Chapter Five 

1. 'Ruling the eleven-gated city
Of the unborn whose thought is not crooked,
One does not grieve,
And when freed from it, is freed.
This is that.

2. 'As the goose in the clear sky, as the Vasu in middle-air,
As the Hotr at the altar, as the guest in the house,
In a man, in a boon, in law (rta), in the sky,
Water-born, cow-born, law-born, mountain- born,
Great law.

3. 'It leads the breath (rana) up:
It throws the lower breath (apana) back:
All the gods worship
The dwarf who sits in the middle.

4. 'When the possessor of the body who rests in the body 
Is unloosed 
And set free from the body, 
What is left here?
This is that.

5. 'Not by the breath, not by the lower breath
Does any mortal live.
They live by something else
On which these two depend.

6. 'Look, Gautama, I will tell you 
Of the secret eternal brahman 
And what the self is like
After reaching death.

7. 'Some go into a womb
So that the possessor of the body may find a body.
Others go into the motionless 
According to their actions (karman) and learning. 

8. 'The one who is awake in the sleeping, 
The person shaping desire after desire,
Is the bright, is brahman.
It is called the immortal.
On it all the worlds depend.
No-one goes beyond it.
This is that.

9. 'Just as the one fire, entering the world,
Takes on forms corresponding to every form,
So the one self within all beings
Takes on forms corresponding to every form, and is outside them.

10. 'Just as the one wind, entering the world, 
Takes on forms corresponding to every form,
So the one self within all beings
Takes on forms corresponding to every form, and is outside them.

11. 'Just as the one sun, the eye of the whole world,
Is not contaminated by the external flaws of eyes.
So the one self within all beings 
Is not contaminated b the sorrow of the world, being outside it.

12. 'Those wise ones who see, in the self,
The one controlling self within all beings
That makes the one form into many,
Have everlasting happiness: no others do.

13. 'Those wise ones who see, in the self,
The one that is permanent among the impermanent,
Thinker among thinkers,
The one among many who disposes (vidha) desires
Have everlasting peace: no others do.

14. 'They know that this is that
The indescribable highest happiness.
How could I understand it?
Does it shine, or is it lit by another's light?

15. 'The sun does not shine there, nor the moon and stars.
Lightning does not shine there, let alone fire.
Everything reflects its shining.

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