Thursday, May 1, 2014

Akshaya Trityai (02-May-2014) - Rare Hymn On Lakshmi/Vishnu

Courtesy: Sri.Krishnan Muralidharan

Dear All,

Greetings and Namaste. Tomorrow (02-May-2014) marks one of the most auspicious occasions in Sanatana Dharma - Akashaya Trityai. It is said that all good deeds performed on this day are multiplied manifold.

Definitely queuing up in the Jewelry shop is NOT counted as one such good deed - it is a clever marketing ploy of the shops!! If everything multiplies why not gold? May be - but the moot question is - Is Gold The Real Wealth?

We all know that nothing comes free - there is no free lunch!! To reap good outcomes one has to sow good seeds and move the butt. Worshipping ancestors, the Parama Purusha, helping the needy with food/clothes/etc. are among the most rewarding seeds to sow on this day (these are not my statements, scriptures prescribe so) so that we are rewarded in the form of good karma which bestows wealth, health, progeny, comforts, etc. etc. This law is immutable - any claims of shortcuts are just plain hoodwinking! If someone enjoys these with no such efforts in this birth, then they ought to have sweated in their previous stints (births).

It is also important to note the word Akshaya - one that does not taper off or diminish! It is no-brainer to understand that all the above will diminish once expended. What to expect if one eats away all the grains harvested from the land? One must sow some of it again to get manifold returns in the future. 

Though the logic is pretty simple, it is not easy to accept - as we always tend to live in fools paradise through our own aGYAna, karma, ego, inertia, etc. If we take care of these, the rest will take care of themselves.

So, on this auspicious day, is there anything more important than asking for forgiveness for our past deeds and seeking protection for the future from the Lord? Is That Not The Real Non-Diminishing Wealth We can ever seek? The attached prayer on Lord Narayana and Goddess Lakshmi (Skanda Purana, Brahma Khanda, Setu Mahatyma, Chapter 50) precisely does that.

May We Seek the Blessing of The Divine Couple to Lead Us on this most auspicious day!

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