Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mahakaavyas in Sanskrit

Courtesy: Sri.P.K.Ramakrishnan
There are five well known mahakavyas in Sanskrit. These are Raghuvamsa and Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa, Sisupalavadha of Maagha, Kiratarjuniya of
and Naishadhiyacharitam (Naishadham) of Sriharsha. Of these
the last one is very
difficult to understand. There is a saying Naishadham Vidvadaushadham.

Sriharsa had revised this many times to make it
understandable. Once one of his friends went to him and asked:

Harsha! Kim chikeershasi? – What would you like to have? हर्ष! किं चिकीर्षसि?

Harsha replied – semushiimushi maashamushe. शेमुषीमुषि माषमुषे
I would like to
eat udud or black gram which will rob off my intellect.

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