Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fwd: Sri Narada Jayanti - Narada Stotram By Lord Krishna

Courtesy: Sri.Krishnan Muralidharan
Dear All,
Greetings and Namaste. Next Saturday (25-May-2013) marks the occasion of Sri. Narada Jayanthi, a less known/celebrated event perhaps. But Sage Narada does not need any introduction to any Astika (though the South Indians/Tamils might identify him with the erstwhile actor/singer Sri. T. R Mahalingam - just kidding!!)
Mr. Charles Anderson Dana, the famous American journalist (1819-1897) defines "news" as thus - "When a dog bites a man that is not news, but when a man bites a dog that is news!". Though this simile may not be obsequious/reverent enough, it is perhaps fitting for the context!
If any Sage or Bhakta sings a praise of Lord (Vishnu or any form), that is hardly a news - because there are tons and tons of it. But have we heard of Lord singing the praise of a Bhakta/Sage? If yes, that is definitely news!! The attached hymn is one such rare news!!
Lord Krishna praises Sage Narada with the attached hymn in Skanda Purana, Maheshvara Khanda, Kumarika Khanda, Narada Mahatmya, Chapter 54.  Lord Krishna answers King Ugrasena's questions about Sage Narada along with this prayer. He does not stop here - he mentions that he chants this prayer every day and those who chant this become dear to Him and the Sages.
The absolute devotion of sages/bhaktas like Sage Narada, Lord Hanuman, Arjuna, Bheema, etc. need no introduction - they personify Bhakti and are role models for the rest. But Purans never fail to highlight that even such elevated personalities can trip where their own bhakti/allegiance become a source of ego - in which case, one has to pay a dear price, regardless of who he is! Sage Narada is also attributed to such stories where Lord Vishnu had to highlight this simple truth to him too. The following beautiful verses from Srimad Bhagavatam (7:7:51-53) makes this case unequivocally:
nAlaM dvijatvaM devattvaM RRiShittvaM vAsurAtmajAH |
prINanAya mukundAya na vRRittaM na bahuGYatA ||
na dAnaM na tapo nejyA na shaucaM na vratAni ca |
prIyate .a malAya bhaktyA harir anyad viDambanam ||
Meaning : Being a Brahmin or a Deva or a Rishi (Sage), demeanour, broad knowledge, etc. will not be sufficient to please Lord Mukunda. Neither Dana, Tapas, Yaga, Shauca, Vrata, etc. will be sufficient. Lord Hari is pleased only by immaculate Bhakti. All others are outwardly drama/pomp. [Please worship Lord Hari by treating every other being as equivalent to yours].
In a way , the bhakti pomp exhibited by way of elitism/ego (such as allegiance to a specific sect/sub-sect/sub-sub-sect, Lord Form, Matha, Upasana, etc. etc.) are akin to the famous joke, "My love with Tamanna Bhatia is 50% successful. I love her wholeheartedly but I don't know whether she knows me and loves me!" During last American elections there was a debate whether God is on the side of Americans but someone rebutted that the question is not rightly phrased; it should be Are Americans on the side of God!" How true?
In Brihan Naradiya Purana (Chapter 5), Lord Bhagavan stipulates the special characteristics of a devotee who can be labelled as Bhagavattotama in about 30 stanzas (which I will share in a future mail).
May We seek The Blessing of Sage Narada to follow his footsteps in Bhakti, regardless of how many light years we may be behind!

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