Sunday, June 3, 2012

Vaikasi Visakha

Courtesy: sri.Krishnan Muralidharan
Dear All,
Greetings. Tomorrow (Sun, 03-Jun-2012) is Vaikasi Visakha, an important occasion in Hindu tradition. Though it is attributed to different deities in different ways, it is mainly associated with Lord Subrahmanya and Lord Vishnu. It also happens to be the Thirunakshatram of Sri Nammazhvar. In this connection, I am happy to attach two rare stotras - one each.
1. Sri Skandashtakam - Sage Agastya - Skanda Puranam - this is a rare hymn by Sage Agastya on Lord Subrahmanya.
2. Sri Lakshmi Narayana Stuti - Punyanidhi - Skanda Puranam - it is a combined prayer on Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi and is in the form of seeking pardon for all misdeeds.
Most of us will know the commonly known story about the origin of Lord Skanda. But Varaha Puranam (Chapter 25 - Origin of Skanda) mentions that the origin of Kumara is different in different Manvantaras :
utpattis tasya rAjendra bahurUpA vayvasthitA |
manvantareShvankeShu devasenA patiH kila || 25-34 ||
In Verse 47, the currently known origin of Skanda as son of Krittika, Agni, Parvati is mentioned as his second birth. The first birth is explained in the preceding verses of the chapter. The first few lines that succinctly explains the origin:
sarveShAM eva tattvAnAM yaH paraH puruShaH smRRitaH |
tasmAd avyaktaM utpannaM tattvAdi trividhAntu tat || 25-2 ||
puruShA .a vyaktayor madhye mahattvaM samapadyata |
sa cA .a haMkAra ityukto yo mahAn samudAhRRitaH || 25 -3 ||
puruSho viShNur ityuktaH shivo vA nAmataH smRRitaH |
avyaktaM tu umA devI shrIr vA padma nibhexaNA || 25-4 ||
tat saMyogAd ahaMkAraH sa ca senApatir guhaH || 25-5 ||
Meaning :
25-2 From Purusha, considered as the highest of all Tattvas, arose Avyakta, which is of three kinds
25-3 Between Purusha and Avyakta, there arose Mahat which is also known as Ahamkara
25-4 Purusha is called Vishnu, and is also known by the name Shiva. Avyakta is Uma or ShrI (Lakshmi)
25-5 By the union of these two (Purusha and Avyakta) arose Ahankara also known as Senapati and Guha.
It is interesting to note that Varaha Purana, considered one of the prime Vishnavite worship manuals, declares that the Supreme Purusha is known as both Vishnu and Shiva, thus relegating the perceived difference to semantic/name level.
This message occurs more than half-dozen times in various occasions in Varaha Purana itself.  I have mentioned this before in an earlier mail, the same Varaha Purana prescribes Lord Vishnu to be worshipped as Lord Skanda himself in chapter 68 (Kama Vrata).
Perhaps it would be apt to conclude with Sri Nammazhvar's immaculate and golden words emphasizing this unity in diversity in his famous Thiruvoymozhi.
உருவாகிய ஆறு சமயங்கட் கெல்லாம்
பொருவாகி நின்றான் அவனெல்லாப் பொருட்கும்
அருவாகிய ஆதியை தேவர்கட் கெல்லாம்
கருவாகிய கண்ணனைக் கண்டு கொண்டெனே.
அவரவர் தமதம தறிவறி வகைவகை
அவரவர் இறையவர் எனவடி அடைவர்கள்
அவரவர் இறையவர் குறைவிலர் இறையவர்
அவரவர் விதிவழி அடையநின் றனரே.
May The Mula Purusha in various forms and names protect us!

1 comment:

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