Friday, June 1, 2012

management with 3 covers





The General Manager (Finance) of a Company had to submit his resignation (to avoid being

unceremoniously get termination letter from Management) On the eve of his exit he had to

formally hand over charge to the new incumbent to the post.After handing over the charge

and briefing him the keys of confidential files Almira etc he just told the newcomer that

he is leaving in the bottom most drawer of the table THREE SEALED covers marked prominently outside as 1 , 2, & 3. and added not to worry about them or pay any attention right now and that during the course of discharge of his duties if at any time in future he

faced a difficult situation resulting in sleepless nights and appears to reach a limit beyond

his ability to manage he can take the help of covers but to be careful to remember to open

only the sealed cover marked 1 and leave the other two untouched. That may give him

a solution to all his problems. He need not thereafter worry about the other two covers.

If however a similar situation arose for a second time then he can open the sealed cover marked 2 and that would resolve his worries. If however a third such situation arose he

may open the cover marked 3. He then shook hands and took leave.The new GM just had

a whimsical smile on his face and bid good bye to his predecessor.


Time rolled on and after about six months or so a situation arose causing sleepless nights

to the new GM(Finance). All of a sudden he remembered about the advise of his predecessor. He rushed to office in the night itself and went to his room and opened the

bottom most drawer and took out the sealed cover marked 1. and hurriedly opened it.

There was a typed paper in bold letters containing only one sentence




That idea suited him very well and he returned home and had a good night sleep.

Nest day he attended the daily morning meeting of all the Head of the Departments

and there he announced that all the ills facing his department was due to the wrong

method of handling/decision of his predecessor and every body agreed with him.


Again after a peaceful period of six months or so another job threatening scenario

appeared . Now he took out the second cover which said


                              START RE-ORGANISATION


This he started to implement  immediately and assured his higher ups that it is the best solution. This gave him a fresh lease of life for another six months or so. Once again

His inefficiency landed him to problems.


Left with no other option he had to open the cover marked 3.

It contained one sentence;



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