Monday, June 11, 2012


Courtesy: Smt.Sukanya Karthick
All literature in various forms is the outcome of the 24
letters of Gayatri mantra only.

While the Gayatri mantra is the sutra or source, the compilations with
their branches and sub-branches are its extensive commentaries. The 24
letters of Gayatri Mantra and significance of each. The following
table gives the 24 letters of the Gayatri spell and its relation to
the power.

1. 1.'tat' - tapini - fruitfulness
2 'sa' - saphalata - valor
3 'vi' - visshwa - perseverance
4 'tur' - tushti - welfare
5 'va' - varada - yoga
6 're' - revati - love
7 'ni' - sukshma - wealth
8 'yam' - jnana - lustre
9 'bhar' - bharga - protection
10 'go' - gomati - wisdom
11 'de' - devika - subjugation
12 'va' - varahi - allegiance
13 'sya' - simhani - determination
14 'dhi' - dhyana - life
15 'ma' - maryada - time
16 'hi' - sphutaa - penance
17 'dhi' - medha - forecast
18 'yo' - yogamaya - alertness
19 'yo' - yogini - production
20 'nah' - dhanin - protection
21 'pra' - prabhava - idealism
22 'cho' - ushma - adventure
23 'da' - drishya - discrimination
24 'at' - niranjana - service.

The 24 powers of Gayatri mentioned above awaken certain qualities, and
along with this awakening one starts getting success and prosperity
i.e., siddhi. Many feel that these benefits are showered by some God
or Goddess. But in reality the development of the subtle force is
within themselves. If they are able to know the subtle force working
in them, they will realize that such benefits do not accrue of their
own accord and that all of them are the results of the interplay of
spiritual forces in them.

Gayatri sadhana or upasana is not blind faith, but a scientific
process whose development and progress are sure to yield the desired
fruits. The authors of the science of mantra say that whatever sound
comes out from the mouth is the outcome of the interaction of various
organs such as the wind-pipe, the tongue, the teeth, the lips etc.

The different organs or parts of the mouth are interconnected with the
various parts of the body through tub ular organs known as nadi.

In those areas of the body wherever the nadis are (the six Chakras are
related to the sushumna nadi) there are lots of ganglia (granthis),
and the effect of vibrations of different parts of the mouth (place of
sound organs) have a pressuring effect on these ganglia. If one's talk
is defective, it means that some of the ganglia are not functioning
properly or effectively. Our body contains many ganglia of different
sizes, some are seen and some of which are not seen. The spiritualists
know what power is contained in each of the ganglia. The various
sounds produced through the organs of the mouth have their effect on
these ganglia; they cause the ganglia to activate and discharge their
stored power. The wordings of the mantras are arranged on the basis of
their sounds and intonations. The Gayatri mantra contains 24 letters,
and all these 24 letters have a direct relation with the 24 ganglia in
the human body. Our body can be compared to a sitar (a stringed
musical instrument)with 24 strings.

When the Ganglia are activated they energize the power that yields the
right kind of knowledge. The repetition, recitation or japa of Gayatri
mantra produces notes which mingle with similar sounds existing in
Nature or Prakriti. This is what one achieves from Gayatri sadhana.
The power of the spoken word or sound in Nature The Word or Shabda is
compared to Brahma.

When Brahma is inspired, his body quivers and the vibrations created
by the movement of his body fall again on his body and take the form
of Omkar or Pranava which echoes seven times. Like the pendulum of a
clock, this Omkar creates the movement or vibrations which in turn
keeps Nature or Prakriti functioning. As a result of such functioning,
the three gunas - sattwa, rajas and tamas - with their powers hrim,
shrim and klim respectively flow and break off into different rivulets
and streams and create the bija mantra. One should not underestimate
the effect of the sound waves produce. Those well versed in the
science of sound know what potency sound waves contain and what
effects they produce. Sound works in its own sphere and even controls
Nature. Thus Nature functions through the power of the word-sound.

Gayatri mantra is composed of selected sounds and due to their very
order in the mantra a very powerful current or wave is produced and
made to flow .If one wishes to know what miracles the power of
word-sound can create, one has to acquaint with the latest
developments in science and technology. The Russians have devised what
is known as the transducer, with which the aid of subtle sound waves
can cut even thick iron and steel plates. From the cleansing of the
sophisticated instruments to the working of the ordinary washing
machine, all the work is now done by the aid of sound waves.

We read in history that the Dipak Rag was sung by Tansen, by the
vibrations of the oil lamps, which had gone off glowed again. We know
deer forgets its own self and the cows yield more milk when they hear
enchanting music. Similarly, hearing the sound of cuckoo, a man's
sensuousness is said to be aroused. When battalions of soldiers in
formation cross a bridge, it is said the soldiers are not expected to
maintain the uniformity in steps, as it is feared that when they keep
uniformity in steps, due to the impact of the sound waves produced
(known as resonance), the bridge, may collapse. Dr Huchisson of U.S.A.
, who has gained much popularity claims sure success in fighting
certain diseases with the aid of sound waves. In all these cases, the
vibrations mingle with similar sounds spread in subtle Nature or
Sukshma prakriti, revolve round and round and converge again on the
place of their origin, thereby producing a kind of energy which
produces the desired effect. In other words, many miraculous things
happen due to the power of a mantra.

The Gayatri spell also derives its force in the same fashion. While
uttering the mantra whichever organs of the mouth come into play,
activate their corresponding ganglia also. When the ganglia are
activated thus, a musical (which is also spiritual) sound resembling
the Vedic Mantra spreads in the air, returning to its base again
carrying along with it a powerful force of similar sounds already
spread in Nature to help achieve the desired end. The musical effect
of the vibrations, or the current occasioned by the utterance of the
man tra on the already existing current created by the five elements
and the subtle soul force or atma shakti created by the five
elements-ether, air, fire, water and earth, the subtle soul-force
created by the intensity of piety, sincerity and earnestness of the
prayer offered, make the Gayatri forces powerful as a Divine
Blessings. Absolute and firm faith in the divinity by the sadhak in
reciting Gayatri yields a powerful subtle force.

Psychologists are well aware of the power of such force. As a matter
of fact, many people have been saved and resuscitated from untimely
death by this force. Many might have perished due to lack of faith.
The great saint Tulsidas, in one of his couplets, has compared faith
and bel ief to Parvati (Shraddha) and Parameshwar (Vishwas). Belief
has the power of converting a piece of rope in the dark into a snake,
a tree into a spirit, and an idol into a Deity. Because of faith man
spends his energy, money and even sacrifices his life. We can quote
several people- Ekalavya and Kabir, for example, who were able to
amass immense knowledge in a split second (which otherwise had to be
learnt at the feet of the tutor) on account off their faith and
belief. If for instance a sadhak takes a sadhana of Gayatri with the
supreme faith and belief, he gets an unparalleled siddhi because of
the mingling of the sound force in Nature with the spiritual powers.

Gayatri - the Prime Force of the Universe Gayatri is the adi shakti
(the prime force). With this force both sentient and insentien t
worlds (life and matter) derive their movement (gati) or force or
inspiration, and result in development and progress. Just as one can
easily hear any broadcast from any station by just tuning a knob,
similarly, one can establish one's contact through one's spiritual
powers with the subtle, all pervading Gayatri. One can use one's own
spiritual power for attainment of all or a particular benefit-
material, psychological or spiritual. This is sadhana or worship.

Gayatri is the desire-yielding cow (kamadhenu). One who recites
Gayatri and engages one self in her sadhana is blessed by Mother
Gayatri. He remains outside the purview of ignorance, incapacity and
want of things and gets all he desires. Gayatri Puja is done by
chanting 'Gayatri Mantra', worshipping the 'Gayatri Yantra' or
conducting the 'Gayatri Anushthan'.

In ancient Vedic Hindu practice, all men and women had the same rules
and rights for Gaythri and Brahmopadesam and Vedic studies. The
Adhidevatha for intellect is Gayathri [depicted as a woman].

Adhidevatha for Mind is Savithri and for Speech is Saraswathi.. When
Sage Viswamithra by his Divine Vision heard the origin of the
universal sound of creation as the planets move on the phenominal
speed in space, the sound of OM was created, he created the Manthra as
a prayer for our intellect.

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