Monday, December 5, 2011

Kshavaram- Shaving

Courtesy: Sri.Narahari
Kshoura –
Kshoura is also called as "Ayushkarma", as by getting kshoura, the sin which are stored in our hairs would be removed.  Usually our sins would be in our hairs, and that would be removed by kshoura.  If our sins are removed, ayurabhivruddhi will be there.  That is why it is termed as "Ayushkarma" also.
Periodicity of kshoura to be done?
For gruhastaas Kshoura to be done every month, for Rutviks every paksha, for sanyasees once in two months.
Tithis on which Kshoura not to be done –
Paadya, Chaturthi, Shasti, Dashami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Pournami , Amavasye.  Sanyasees to get kshoura only on Pournami day. 
Weeks on which Kshoura not to be done –
Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Whether Kshoura can be done in the evening or night?
No.  Kshoura during evening or night is nishidda.
On the janma nakshatra day, Janma Tithi kshoura not to be done.
Whom to do the smarana during Kshoura –
Smarana of "Keshava" to be done during kshoura.  We must do the smarana of Ahichatra (Nrusimha devaru as he has sarpa as his umbrella – Nrusimha is called as Ahichatra).  We must also do the smarana of Dithi, Aditi.  With this the dosha during Kshoura period would be destroyed.
Where to get kshoura?
Usually kshourika himself to come to our house and we must get the kshoura done.  But now a days, it is not possible.  We can observe that even today, in many of the villages, kshourika is coming to the doorstep.

Rules for kshoura-
1.       First we must have mukha prakshalana, get Dharana of Tulasi mruttika.
2.       Brothers, Father-son,  not to get kshoura on the same day.
3.       On the nishidda days, kshoura not to be done.
4.       If without our knowledge kshoura is done on nishidda day, one must get the kshoura again on anishidda day for dosha parihara.
5.       After kshoura, one must not apply oil for oil bath purpose.    However, after shudda snaana, one can have oil bath.
6.       Brahmins not to get mukha kshoura.  i.e., Simultaneously kshoura to be done for mukha and head.  Only mukha kshoura is nishidda.
7.       We must not do the kshoura or mukha kshoura ourselves.  We must get it done from the kshourika only.
8.       We must get shuddha snaana after kshoura.
Note :
I have only extracted from the article by Sri Chaturvedi Vedavyasachar.  Ofcourse now a days it is practically not possible for one not to get kshoura for the whole month.    My suggestion is atleast avoid getting kshoura or mukha kshoura on the nishidda days.  Please also avoid in the evening or night or after bhojana.  I have observed some people getting kshoura and going to office without taking bath.  It is improper and shastra viruddha.    Please do not touch anything after getting kshoura before shudda snaana.

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