Monday, July 22, 2024

khyAti vAda

Courtesy :  Sri. Ananta Chaitanya

khyAti= knowledge, but specifically erroneous knowledge.
1) AtmakhyAti: kShaNikavijnAnavAdI bauddha says AtmA which is momentary consciousness appears as the rope-snake, and so also as the rope.

2) AsatkhyAti: shUnyavAdI Buddha says the above but disagrees with AtmA and says it is all shUnya.

3) AkhyAti: prAbhAkara mImAMsaka says there is no khyAti at all. There are two simultaneous units of knowledge, rope being pratyakSha and snake being a smRti, both valid. One mixes them both up.

4) anyatAkhyAti: prAchIna naiyyAyika says the snake being seen elsewhere right now appears here instead of the rope. navya says that it is the rope here that appears in another manner as a snake.

5) anirvachanIyakhyati: vedantI refutes all of the above and says that there is anirvachanIya, neither real nor unreal, snake born hiding the rope.

This is very brief. For more details refer to Vicharasagara which explains in simple words or watch YouTube recording on my channel.


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