Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Rudra in krita yuga

*The whole gist is this- rudra in krita yuga took the avatara of narasimha and  with 5 nails tore open hiranyakashipus abdomen.In tretayugaThe same rudra shiva took Hanuman avatara and and made ravana run for his dear life. That Hanuman is also an protector of every soul.The same rudra became the panca pandavas and parvati became draupadi by emerging from fire. In kali these five pandavas took the roopa of five sanyasis like Yudhistira became shankaracharya Vayu bheema became padmapada,Arjuna as sureshwara,Nakula as hastamalaka, and Sahadeva as thotaka and the defeated the nonsense arguments and wrong interpretations of vedas. Thus ends Shankara vijaya 6th chapter*

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