Thursday, August 22, 2019

Right hand & right foot for good deeds Sanskrit

प्रयाणकाले च गृहप्रवेशे विवाहकालेऽपि च दक्षिणाङ्घ्रीम्।
कृत्वाग्रतः शत्रु पुरप्रवेशे वामं विदद्याच्चरणं नृपालः॥
बृहस्पति नीति॥
prayāṇakāle ca gṛhapraveśe vivāhakāle'pi ca dakṣiṇāṅghrīm|
kṛtvāgrataḥ śatru purapraveśe vāmaṁ vidadyāccaraṇaṁ nṛpālaḥ||
bṛhaspati nīti||

Taking the first steps while embarking on a mission... can be really significance.. Brihaspati in his manual of instructions deals with this issue
When a person is starting for a journey, he should take the first step ahead with his right foot
When a person is entering a house too he should place his right foot first
Taking the first step by the married couple after the wedding.. (especially the bride,) should be with the right foot first

However, when a king is entering the city of an enemy with an intention to defeat him, he should place his left foot first in that city..
So use the right limbs and right thoughts too when you wish good for others...

Have a nice day
k v ananthanarayanan.

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