Wednesday, August 28, 2019

I won't go to temple

I Won't Go To The Temple Again...

A daughter went to her father and said...  
"I won't be going to temple anymore.."

The father said:
"may I ask why?"

She said:
"when I go there All I see is people on their mobile phones during service & bhajan, some are gossiping, some just are not living with integrity, they are all just hypocrites..."

Father became silent, and then said:
"OK... can I ask you to do something for me before you make your final decision?"

She said:
"Yes.. what's that?"

He said:
"Plz take a glass of water and walk around the temple 2 times; but you mustn't let any water fall out the glass."

She said:
"yes... I can definitely do that."

She came back and said 
"it's done and here is the Glass Of Water"

He asked her 3 questions:
1.  Did you see anybody on their phone? 
2. Did you see anybody gossiping? 
3. Was anybody living without Integrity?

She Said:
"How could I have seen anyone else?.... I didn't see anything; All I was focused on was the glass and the water within it., making sure the water never dropped."

He told her, 
"when you go to temple, this is what you should Do... you should be simply focusing, thinking and connecting on  God, and how you can progress and help yourself to help others.. this is so that YOU don't ever FALL in life. 🙏🏻🙏

The Daughter thanked her father for helping her understand the inner learning of the essence of Our focus with god🙏

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